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Searching for hours for this role playing comedy sketch

Fluid29Fluid29 Member Posts: 62
I hope nobody gets annoyed by me trying to find this sketch inside of this forum. The reason i ask here is because i found it by one of the tweets (around 27.07. +/- 10days or so) made by one of the twitter accounts displayed on

It basically goes like this:
4 people sitting around in a role playing game. One of the guys is the dungeon master who brang his black cousin this day. The black dude would eventually take over the whole session by his crazy role playing ideas i.e. going to clubs, etc. till the dungeon master leaves desperately.

Hope one of you know which one i am talking about. By the way if you know any other cool sketches. Just post it here :) It may become a sketch thread or whatever. :)

I am so looking forward for BG:EE. I will go for the OS X version. Definately will have Neera in the party.


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