BGEE on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 - no letters

So I have a problem running BGEE on my Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. The letters are missing and the characters are black squares. Anyone else experiencing the same on this tablet? Any way to fix it? The game runs flawless on my SG Note 2.
any news?
have the same on my galaxy tab 3
I don't think it was only for beta testers. So please check if you have an update available.
Nothing is fixed...
Its been a new install (and purchase -3 attempts so far, with various reboots etc). Android 4.1.2 - Tab3 Model SM-T210. Can't grab a firmware update (says its the newest). BG-EE version should be latest from Google Play as of today. Says under the Android Application menu details for BG-EE "version 1.3"
Willing to give anything else a go if anyone else has sorted it out.
Is that normal for everyone, or is mine skipping an important download here?
Dee, maybe if you build the native components for x86 it will improve compatibility on a number of devices. It will surely improve performance because x86 devices rely on binary translation to run ARM apps. See this for more info: