Crossplatform multiplayer does not work.

in Multiplayer
I hope this post can serve as warning for anyone else attempting cross platform mutiplayer with Baldur's Gate 1 EE, and save them some time -- I've spent far too much on this already. TL;DR: Version mismatch across the platforms means they won't play together, you're stuck with multiplayer on the same platform. At least for now, as of 2014/04/22.
The idea was that I could play my favorite game of all time with my girlfriend, me on my Android while she's on her iPad.
So she bought the iPad version ($10) and I bought the Android version ($10). They didn't see eachother on multiplayer. After about an hour of trying later, I discovered that the versions were different. That must be why. Android was on 1.3, iPad was on 1.2.2030.
So next thing I try is downloading it on my PC through Steam ($29.99). Nope again! Steam is version 1.2.
So I check on my MacBook Pro's App Store and see that they have version 1.2.2030. Hoorah! (right?) So I buy it ($19.99), and then click to apply the update. But the update doesn't's still at version 1.2. I keep trying. Reboot. Update the OS. Nothing is working. And then I find this:
It seems that the update doesn't actually exist? So my Macbook is stuck at 1.2, and I still can't play with my girlfriend's iPad. And, I've spent $10+$10+$29.99+19.99=almost $70 buying this game on every platform, and none of them work together.
I've requested refunds, but I 'm not getting hours and hours of time back.
To the devs of this game: screw you, seriously.
The idea was that I could play my favorite game of all time with my girlfriend, me on my Android while she's on her iPad.
So she bought the iPad version ($10) and I bought the Android version ($10). They didn't see eachother on multiplayer. After about an hour of trying later, I discovered that the versions were different. That must be why. Android was on 1.3, iPad was on 1.2.2030.
So next thing I try is downloading it on my PC through Steam ($29.99). Nope again! Steam is version 1.2.
So I check on my MacBook Pro's App Store and see that they have version 1.2.2030. Hoorah! (right?) So I buy it ($19.99), and then click to apply the update. But the update doesn't's still at version 1.2. I keep trying. Reboot. Update the OS. Nothing is working. And then I find this:
It seems that the update doesn't actually exist? So my Macbook is stuck at 1.2, and I still can't play with my girlfriend's iPad. And, I've spent $10+$10+$29.99+19.99=almost $70 buying this game on every platform, and none of them work together.
I've requested refunds, but I 'm not getting hours and hours of time back.
To the devs of this game: screw you, seriously.
And he's quite right, it would appear that you can't cross platform at the moment. Awesome, Beamdog. I agree with the "screw you guys" sentiment.
There are plenty of people out there who bought the EEs who aren't interested in multiplayer. I am one of them.