Advice on BGEE vs. Tutu/Trilogy for a guy returning to the series after long hiatus

Due to various life circumstances, I have been away from BG and gaming in general for a couple of years. Before that, I had toyed around with mods (mainly Tutu), but just a little. I was behind the curve even then! Anyway, I'll soon be installing and playing BG1 and 2 again, but I'm trying to figure out whether to get the EE versions or stick with my old CD's and just mod them once again. Have plenty of mods been updated for the EE versions? I've looked at plenty of discussions about the whole "EE vs. Tutu/Trilogy" debate, but most of them are dated, and I'm just hunting for an update on the discussion. Thanks!
There are quite a lot of mods available for BG:EE including the ever-popular SCS, I'm not sure about BG1NPC though.
The BG1NPC project is currently alpha-compatible and being worked on daily - I'm using it for the first time in my current run and can't believe what I've been missing.
Ascension is compatible with BG2EE, but only if you install it with the Big Picture mod - the standalone Ascension mod has not yet been updated, though I do believe work is ongoing.
Rogue Rebalancing is working wonderfully. Not sure about other mods, as those are the only ones I use.
Oh, also, SCS is compatible as well.
I own the original games (both on discs and the GOG version) and BG:EE. I didn't buy BG2:EE yet (nor I intend to buy it any time soon).
Based on my experience, I would recommend the enhanced edition only to new players or to old players with modphobia.
There are several reasons why I prefer the original games (of course heavily modded), over the enhanced edition, but these are the main ones:
1) lots of mods are still not available for the enhanced edition, and not just the rare ones, unless you consider rare mods like Level 1 NPCs or Finch. Besides, most popular mods (e.g. BG1 NPC Project) are still officially in alpha or beta for the enhanced edition, making the game even more buggier than already is. Other popular mods officially released with full EE compatibility, like BG2Tweaks, work flawlessly with the original games, but are still rather buggy with the enhanced edition.
2) the enhanced edition is still full of bugs, especially BG2:EE.
3) incorporating some mods by default in the enhanced edition (e.g. 1PP) was imho a big mistake because you are not allowed anymore to choose which components to install (e.g. when I install 1PP in BG1Tutu I can customise the appearances of armours, helmets and shields by selecting among several styles; in BG:EE you are stuck with Beamdog/Overhaul choices).
More importantly with the original games you can play
1) BG1 with the BG1 engine (pure vanilla)
2) BG1 with the BG2 engine as a separate game (BG1Tutu)
3) BG1 and BG2 with the BG2 engine as a single game (BGT)
with the Enhanced Edition you are stuck with option (2) only.
4) (personal taste) I personally dislike most of the arbitrary changes made to the game. Some of these changes are big and severely affect game balance, others are just minor annoyances, like the new awful inventory icons (introduced in BG:EE by the patch 1.2 if I'm not mistaken).
5) (personal taste) I like the spawning system of BG1tutu much more than the (weak) spawning system of BG:EE and/or vanilla.
I do think @Erg is exaggerating quite a bit, however.
1. Is money a concern? BG:EE isn't very expensive, but if you don't have the money to spend, it becomes a no brainer that you don't want to spend it. If you have the money, i think it is worth while.
2. Do you mind being slaved to the original CDs? This is a small concern, but I hate having to fish out my originals every time I want to play. with EE, no CD in the drive.
3. Do you mind fiddling around with Tutu and the mods? It isn't tough to do, but it can be cumbersome to install Tutu and BG and all of the other mods that you play. It's a small, but sometimes it is the small things that move the mountain.
4. How interested are you in the new content, specifically the new NPCs and their quest lines? Dorn and Neera are both interesting characters, as is Baeloth (I haven't played with Raasad enough to know how good or otherwise he is). And Hexat is in BG2:EE. I am not aware of any MOD that introduces them into Tutu. That alone made it worth while for me.
5. While it is true that there are new bugs in the mix, some of the old bugs are now quashed. I'd say on the whole more bugs have been quashed than have been created. But that is subjective and based on personal experience. And the UI and updates are quite nice (or some of them are anyway).
Based on your answers to the above, you should have a better idea of if it is worth it. It's BG. How bad can it be? So long as you are playing and enjoying it.
The one thing that BGT does much better than BGEE is carry over the NPC's you have with you.
Give your wisdom tomes to Jaheira? She'll have them in BG2.
Give Minsc ** in Spear? He'll have them in BG2.
They will have the same experience they had in BG1, the same kills in information, same proficiency, stats and everything else.
With the enhanced edition, you have no choice, because Beamdog/Overhaul has chosen for you and there is no Tutu or BGT or vanilla mod for the EE.
BG2EE is more of a 'hm', because of the bugs.
I'd only stick to Tutu or BGT if you're really interested in a number of specific (niche) mods.
I know I will never came back seriously to BG1, I'm now too attached to the new render and High Def of the EE, it is just ... some kind of feeling ... it feels better when I play BG:EE than the original.
For BG2:EE I don't know, there are some bugs and some mods still don't work but for me BG:EE is a no brainer !
It should be possible to import a character from BG1:EE to BG2, but only if you do not use any of the new kits introduced in the EE (Blackguard, Shadowdancer, etc.). However, I don't usually bother importing, as I prefer to simply duplicate the character with NearInfinity.
Also, most users don't know/don't care about using NI, maybe EEKeeper/Shadowkeeper (which does the same thing but with less flavors).
BG is a fifteen years old game and suddenly got a new life, gotta appreciate this.
Its not the only example. There were all sorts of alignment and racial inconsistencies and bugs. You can find an extensive list on that here (you'll need MS word or a similar program to view them).
For most characters these kinds of things don't matter much but for Rangers they do because of their impact on the effectiveness of their racial enemy bonus.
There were other NPC (joinable and not joinable) specific issues.
Ithmeera could actually be physically found in a table...which I suppose would be kind of an awkward life.
Yeslick would not stop yapping about how you didn't flood the mines.
If you choose the wrong dialog with Tremain it could crash your game.
Along with more general issues.
Thieves would walk into traps after you tell them to disarm them.
Guards being summoned when you steal from containers where there is nobody around to see.
There were many spell descriptions in the original that were not accurately reflecting what the spell actually does (blindness being one example).
There were other probably better known issues like the house in the City of Baldur's Gate where entering it would crash the game.
And a bug where patrons legs wouldn't show up (or they wouldn't be properly coloured).
As well as a whole slew of other bugs (just a few examples).
I'm also not a fan of the UI for the original BG1 or BG2 anymore. Both seem too dated for my tastes.
So while I'd say BGEE isn't perfect by any means its still in better shape than BG1. So I'd buy it. BG2EE is kind of a mess at the moment. So if you don't finish BGEE quickly then you might want to wait on that. No idea when a patch is coming out for that and frankly its been way, way, way too long since one came out.
If someone is still playing the original games without fixpacks, he/she clearly deserves all these bugs
Edit: your list of bugs contains mistakes in his own. For instance the Yeslick dialogue loop is a bug the was (is?) present in the enhanced edition and not in the original games.
Last year I played quite a lot of BGEE. Since I haven't got BG2EE yet and I do want to play BG2, I've returned to BGT. Surely I'll buy BG2EE at some point, and I'll return to playing EE again (probably with a number of good mods that by that tim will be available). No problem.
As for Yeslick he has had that dialogue bug since the original games!topic/ (really old link from 1999 that shows it was around then)
It was addressed by the dudleyville fixpack but I think even then it still had some issues.
Either way I'd recommend BGEE for a new player or to someone who hasn't played the games in awhile. The UI has been improved, including in terms of explaining better what in the game is going on, and you get things like the roll counter. You also get stuff like the feature that lets your tab key show you which chests/containers are locked, and (if you buy from beamdog and apply for the beta) an indicator for which scrolls/spells you already know. Overall I'd say its just an easier setup for new players or people who are coming back to the game after an extended hiatus.