Graphics Issue - Prot. from Evil (Paladin Ability and Spell)

Running Android version on N7 2013/FHD and the translucent glow from Prot. from Evil sometimes looks like a whiteish rainbow when cast. Definitely a graphical corruption of some kind. This is the only spell effect that seems to do it, other spell effects that cause your character to glow (or the infravision view) look normal. (ie. Aid -> including the cool animation that plays when cast -> I don't remember that).
This also isn't all the time. Seems to only happen after playing awhile. I'd almost think it was a heat issue but other graphical effects with a transparency effect don't display it. MIght have been during the "night" only?
This also isn't all the time. Seems to only happen after playing awhile. I'd almost think it was a heat issue but other graphical effects with a transparency effect don't display it. MIght have been during the "night" only?
Honestly, It's minor enough not to warrant full attention which would be best given to issues such as PnP inconsistencies, Import/Export issues and Hexxat's bugs.
As a side note, still keeping with the line of Cleric/Mage superiority over the dirty other-classed peasants, such glitches also tend to happen when the screen gets filled with too many spell effects, which easily happens given the fact that Cleric/Mages are like bright spermaceti candles (which anyone familiar with 19th century candle-making should be familiar with, e.g. anyone who studied the likes of Jane Austen at an academic level), and as such, are likely to burn their entire spell lists in a literal couple of rounds when paired with the Amulet of Power and Robes of Vecna as well as Spell Trigger/Sequencer/Contigency spam. These glitches usually precede a CTD though, since the game is too buffle-headed to comprehend the awesomeness of the class - a shame really, since I could beat Demogorgon in 2 rounds were it not so.
And what about the graphical overload followed by CTD caused by the magical orgies of Bacchanalian proportions Cleric/Mages may call upon once capable of summoning forth their Improved Alacrity?
Methinks the chances are pretty remote that a modern processing unit with multiple cores and well over a hundred times available memory than that requested by the original game would be incapable of handling such processes if given enough hold over the mechanisms that move the game forward.
This mortal vessel believes it is imperative that such requests be presented in the most refined and tortuous manner possible to those which belong to mankind, given that the efforts required to pluck the meaning out of these signs are bound to exercise, and thus refine, the mind of those who would dare decipher it.