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Game ends on party death

ArizaelArizael Member Posts: 263
Me and my 2 friends are playing heavily tweaked, SCS included BG2. The difficulty is significant, so it happens that our protagonist bites the dust. This is getting increasingly frustrating, since more than often we have means to win the rest of the fight and ressurect him thereafter. Instead we need to go for immersion breaking reload.

Therefor I am looking for a mod, which would trigger game over on party death, instead of just protagonist death (just as in Black Pits 2). It would be also cool, if the mod is compatability friendly. Any hints?


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
    I don't know if there are already mods out there that allow continuing the game after the protagonists dies. But theoretically it is possible even outside of the Black Pits. From a modder's perspective all you have to do is toggling a single bit in each of the game's area files.

    This might raise some compatibility issues in certain plot-specific situations however, as the game doesn't expect the protagonist to die.
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