Android BG:EE and Windows BG:EE version mismatch.
in Multiplayer
So I'm using the latest version of both games. Android is 1.3.x, and the Windows release is 1.2.0.
How come the two versions are different? This prohibits any kind of cross platform multiplayer, sadly.
How come the two versions are different? This prohibits any kind of cross platform multiplayer, sadly.
The versions are probably not going to be the same cross-platform until all other problems are fixed. Which is pretty depressing considered we were promised cross-platform multiplayer 2 freakin' years ago and it still hasn't happened and has a long way to go until it does.
As a last alternative, Beamdog might consider no longer advertising that BG:EE has cross-platform multiplayer. I bought two copies of this game nearly seven months ago for no other reason but to play it on a Mac and iPad with my wife. Here I am today, still unable to do so and yet the iTunes App Store, Mac App Store and Steam ALL claim that this game has cross-platform multiplayer support.
What's most insulting is that Beamdog can't even be bothered to respond to support requests. They'd prefer to pretend that customers who supported them by buying their game TWICE don't exist.