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Android version

ZoGarthZoGarth Member Posts: 48
Just wondering has there been an update for the android version mine is V1.3.1220, but I've seen posts for V1.3.1226. Is this a typo? If not how is updating done on the droid version (sorry new to this platform). I'm using a Next Book 7, Android version 4.1.1


  • IsayaIsaya Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 752
    The version is not identical for all Android devices, as @Dee explained here. Depending on device, there was V1.3.1220, 1224 and 1226 because of different hardware while being functionnally identical.
    There was an update for devices using V1.3.1226 to V1.3.1327, intending to fix issues about black display on some devices. I don't know if there was a similar update for other types of devices.

    If you connect to Google Play and check your applications, you should know whether there is an update of not. You may activate automatic update too.
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