Member Posts: 540
so say i'd fancy having (for example) ribald, quayle, phaere, mae'var and ryan trawl in my party and i'd ctrl+q them in. would there be any consequences? would they level up normally etc?
edit: the saving throw is -4 vs spell
I don't want to discourage you from your experimenting, because (and speaking from first-hand experience) I know it can be fun and interesting. But at the same time, don't go into this with the expectation that there won't be issues cropping up. Simply put, the makers never intended for these characters to be playable, and it shows.
I'm mad for unique items, and when I play with a complete party I can carry them all!
edit: also, it seems weird that in bg1 he was just standing on a bridge looking at god knows what and asks you to help him, you take him on a grand, epic adventure and in bg2 after rescuing him, all he wants to do is go down the pub and get pissed
A party of 5 enemies + a 25 CHA PC. Allies (enemies? frienemies?) will not be resurrected when killed, and instead will be replaced with more brainwashed bad guys turned good.
"So a shadow, a pit-fiend, a kobold commando, a slaver guard, a drow mage, and a Bhaalspawn all walk into the Copper Coronet..."
I've got a lot of free time now that finals are over. Would anyone be interested in reading about such a playthrough?
And probably many people else!
Carry on, threadgoers.