Dexterity and Armor Class

Isn't there supposed to be a limit on how much dexterity benefits your armor class for each armor type? Currently a fighter with 18 gets the full dexterity bonus to their AR even when wearing full plate; however, a thief cannot use thieving skills in any armor greater than studded leather (except for stealth skills, which makes no sense). Caster (except for divine cannot cast while wearing armor, which makes sense.
Seems like the system was trying to be implemented, but didn't really succeed. Any plans to update this?
Seems like the system was trying to be implemented, but didn't really succeed. Any plans to update this?
-max dex bonus: If you're wearing armor, there is a limit to how much of an AC bonus you can get from your dex. A fighter in full plate would be able to get no dex bonus at all. Any penalties however still apply in full.
-armor check penalties: Thieves in heavy armor can still stealth, but at a hefty penalty to their die roll. This also applies to similar skills that would be inhibited, like climbing and swimming, and not just to thieves but all classes.
-arcane failure chance: Arcane casters are no longer totally prohibited from casting when wearing armor, they just have a chance of the spell failing depending on the class of the armor (bards have no failure chance for light armor).
What we are stuck with is a relic from the version of D&D they used to make BG. In newer D&D based games like NWN 1 and 2 things work more 'realistically' as I have described.
I think I read somewhere about a proposed houserule that would impose a penalty to your Dexterity while wearing heavy armor. So a high dexterity would be more useful than a low dexterity, but not as useful as if you weren't wearing armor at all.
Clerics can wear armor while casting spells because their spells are less powerful (in general).
It's all a balancing act. The justification and rationalization comes later.
Also, consider the tower shield. In NWN (3rd ed), it's 3 AC. In 3.5, I believe it's 4 AC with a -2 AB deduction. In the BG series, its equivalent, the great shield, is only -1 AC, with an additional -2 vs missiles. Full Plate in NWN (3rd ed) is 8 AC with +1 AC from dex max. In BG it's 1 AC with -4 vs slashing and -3 vs piercing, I believe, which in 3rd ed translates into 13 AC vs slashing, 12 AC vs piercing, and 9 AC vs bludgeoning, plus the complete dex modifier. Normal plate mail in BG was 3 AC and -3 vs slashing, i.e. 10 AC vs slashing, 7 AC vs all others. Saving throws are WAY different in 2nd ed too. Wear a helmet in 2nd ed, and you don't get crit. The higher AC, immunit to crits from a helm, advanced weapon mastery, and the 18/xx+ strength mechanics really define the fighter in 2nd ed. 3rd ed fighter felt a lot weaker from my experience, especially considering every other class got an AB boost. cleric goes from 2 thaco every 3 levels to 3 AB every 4 levels. The rogue got a huge jump, from 1 AB every 2nd level to 3 AB every 4 levels. The armor/dex AC equalizes in 3rd ed at roughly 7 to 9 (incoporating dex), while the rogue and wizard get substantial increases in AB. I think a 2nd ed experience will be refreshing.