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Option to disable talking while hiding

molloymolloy Member Posts: 105
edited May 2014 in Feature Requests
In BG2 for thieves a voiced message is introduced that on successful hiding in shadows informs you that hiding in shadows was successful. That message is constantly repeated, especially if you use a script that keeps the thief hidden, and gets annoying (at least I think so) pretty soon.
I tried all sound options to make characters more quiet, but although they can walk without a sound, they can't hide without talking.

So I propose radio buttons similar to the ones for command sounds (always, seldom, never) for the hiding speech.

It's not just that it's annoying, but it's also immersion breaking, since you really would expect that thieves well trained in hiding would know that it's a bad idea to tell all the world that you are hidden every few seconds.
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