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Advise me on my parties strategy

XzarXzar Member Posts: 215
I suppose I will complete 3 ready-to-import playthoughs of BGEE before BG2EE comes. One canon - evil, one good, and one female :) I'm a story roleplayer above all, and choose my party as if this was a novel I was writing, caring about the plot, but not so much about actual survival in the game. So I often play with disbalanced parties.

My canon BGEE party will look like this -
Me(neutral evil mage, either transmuter or dualled fighter(4, for longbow specialization)/mage)
Skie(before getting her asap, its either another ranged character Imoen, or Kagain and thiefless party until chapter 5)

So, as you see I will have only one pure melee fighter in the face of Dorn, and 5 archers/mages/thieves. Will it be too difficult? How can I compensate for lack of frontliners in early game, before Ed's summons kick in and before I get gauntlets of ogre power for Viccy, to make her fight with mace?

Feel free to comment on my other 2 parties, though they're not so important and seem balanced enough -

Good one - Me(NG bard, elf), Dynaheir, Minsc, Neera, Imoen, Yeslick
Female, and mostly neutral for a change - Me(TN swashbuckler), Xan, Khalid, Jaheira, Quayle, Rasaad.

In this way i will play through all new content step by step, and get a coherent story from all 3 angles :)

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  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    It should not be a problem at all. I would try to make sure that dorn uses a single handed weapon + shield rather than a 2 hander to make your life easier. Get his ac to -6 or -7 should be fairly easy with the gauntlets of dex. Once you have a tank like this, you certainly don't need a backup

    You will want a thief. Imoen seems a fine choice even though she is good, because she is obviously devoted to her childhood friend, and you can roleplay discarding her for someone better. Otherwise just use safana - you pick her up very early on and she makes a very good evil thief.

    Or you could solve both of your problems and bring Montaron (fighter thief) along as your sixth party member, killing off xzar (hey, you are evil, you shouldn't even need to break character). Plus there are a lot of good magical shortswords in the game.
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