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Local multiplayer with one license allowed?

GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
I have to admit, when I heard that Baldur's Gate enhanced would have a new and improved, cross-platform, multiplayer system, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, being able to play with your buddy sounds like it will be far easier than before, but on the other hand, Baldur's Gate only really worked as a single player game.

What I mean is that games based on the Infinity Engine were designed to be paused frequently and played at a slow, methodical pace. Baldur's Gate is the anti-Diablo, where running into a pack of enemies will get you killed fast. If you or your friend are pause happy, combat and game-play in general could become a serious irritation, especially if one of you went off by yourself to explore. Playing over long-distances magnified this problem because trying to adopt of method of meticulous teamwork would just drag on the flow of the game.

On the other hand, this game system worked pretty well when played cooperatively, locally in the same room, or house and/or within talking distance. Playing multiplayer like this feels kind of like a pen & paper session where tactical decisions can be made in real time and the story can be advanced in unison together.

Granted, there will likely be support for voIP using voice communication applications for this game, but I still feel like playing side-by-side with each other is the superior way of playing this game. My question is, do I really have to purchase a copy of this game for each person in my household to play multiplayer games? If I want my son or wife to be able to hop onboard and play locally, it seems kind of painful to have to buy multiple copies. In 2012, where DRM has become more tight than ever, it may sound absurd to ask this, but the original Baldur's Gate game did in fact allow one copy to be played over a LAN in the same household.


  • lordkimlordkim Member Posts: 1,063
    edited August 2012
    You cant do it. ;). 1 Game pr user. If 3 persons want´s to do LAN, then 3 seperate games needed. :O)
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    lordkim said:

    You cant do it. ;). 1 Game pr user. If 3 persons want´s to do LAN, then 3 seperate games needed. :O)

    That's disappointing to hear. I can go over to GOG today and install Baldur's Gate on all four of my PCs at home and we can all play together DRM free.

    This makes it that much more bewildering as to why improved multiplayer would be such a high priority for the team developing BGEE. Multiplayer was barely feasable in the original game and it had little to do with interface design or connectivity. Sitting through 6 pages of text waiting for the slow reader on the other end of the country to get out of the bathroom was the problem.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    edited August 2012

    That's disappointing to hear. I can go over to GOG today and install Baldur's Gate on all four of my PCs at home and we can all play together DRM free.

    Yes, but technically this is a case of abusing a DRM free game.
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    Tanthalas said:

    Yes, but technically this is a case of abusing a DRM free game.

    Installing and playing a game I purchased on two computers in my house using Black Isle's built in LAN support is "abusing" it? That's quite the stretch...

  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

    Tanthalas said:

    Yes, but technically this is a case of abusing a DRM free game.

    Installing and playing a game I purchased on two computers in my house using Black Isle's built in LAN support is "abusing" it? That's quite the stretch...

    Installing it in multiple systems isn't the abuse, but having multiple people get the experience of the game at the same time from a single license is a bit of an abuse, I'd say.
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2012

    Installing it in multiple systems isn't the abuse, but having multiple people get the experience of the game at the same time from a single license is a bit of an abuse, I'd say.

    I'd like to see where playing over LAN with a single license was prohibited as part of the original 1998 agreement. I'll have to go pop the game disc in and see if I can find that kind of wording.

    Edit: Furthermore, I'm curious if this still exists in the GOG version which I made reference to above.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

    Installing it in multiple systems isn't the abuse, but having multiple people get the experience of the game at the same time from a single license is a bit of an abuse, I'd say.

    I'd like to see where playing over LAN with a single license was prohibited as part of the original 1998 agreement.
    Don't get defensive, friendo. I wasn't quoting the EULA, and I'm not calling the FBI on you. I'm just saying it seems like a violation of trust to me.

    Why would you not want to support the makers of a product you enjoy, besides?
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111

    I'm just saying it seems like a violation of trust to me.

    "Seems" and "is" are too different things. Accusing someone of "abuse" requires evidence. If Interplay allowed people to install and play over a LAN connection on a single license then there would be no violation of trust.

    You may be right. I don't know if that requirement existed in the EULA or not, but I'm going to find out.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190

    I'm just saying it seems like a violation of trust to me.

    "Seems" and "is" are too different things. Accusing someone of "abuse" requires evidence. If Interplay allowed people to install and play over a LAN connection on a single license then there would be no violation of trust.

    You may be right. I don't know if that requirement existed in the EULA or not, but I'm going to find out.
    Again, chill. I didn't accuse anybody of anything.

    I'm not mad, Gaelic. I'm just disappointed. ;P
  • PaheejPaheej Member Posts: 126
    I'm going to go into every part of this first post to give you some options.

    I have to admit, when I heard that Baldur's Gate enhanced would have a new and improved, cross-platform, multiplayer system, I had mixed feelings. On the one hand, being able to play with your buddy sounds like it will be far easier than before [...]

    How is playing the game with your buddy hard now? You can pick up the copy of BG and BG2 (from GoG), run BGTutu and play mutliplayer BG without any real issue. I've done 4x full multiplayer playthroughs using this method, both in a LAN and over the internet.

    [...] but on the other hand, Baldur's Gate only really worked as a single player game. What I mean is that games based on the Infinity Engine were designed to be paused frequently and played at a slow, methodical pace. Baldur's Gate is the anti-Diablo, where running into a pack of enemies will get you killed fast. If you or your friend are pause happy, combat and game-play in general could become a serious irritation, especially if one of you went off by yourself to explore. Playing over long-distances magnified this problem because trying to adopt of method of meticulous teamwork would just drag on the flow of the game.

    I'm not sure that anyone who has played BG mutliplayer can say that it "only really works as a singleplayer game." It certainly is a different experience in multiplayer - the focus in multiplayer more becomes completing quests and doing completely ridiculous stuff. Obviously the focus on story and NPCs fades into the background in multiplayer BG. Additionally playing the game multiplayer is most rewarding when the players are very familiar with the game. However I say crank the speed (frame rate) forget pausing and get you some. It'll help your reflexes a little.

    On the other hand, this game system worked pretty well when played cooperatively, locally in the same room, or house and/or within talking distance. Playing multiplayer like this feels kind of like a pen & paper session where tactical decisions can be made in real time and the story can be advanced in unison together.

    Playing any game in a LAN is better than distance playing. So I agree with your point that BG is just better in LAN.

    Granted, there will likely be support for voIP using voice communication applications for this game, but I still feel like playing side-by-side with each other is the superior way of playing this game. My question is, do I really have to purchase a copy of this game for each person in my household to play multiplayer games? If I want my son or wife to be able to hop onboard and play locally, it seems kind of painful to have to buy multiple copies. In 2012, where DRM has become more tight than ever, it may sound absurd to ask this, but the original Baldur's Gate game did in fact allow one copy to be played over a LAN in the same household.

    There is always the DRM free version of BG at GoG. Alternatively you could inform the expansion designers that you would like to see a 2-pack option with a discounted per copy price. Maybe two copies for $30.
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150
    Tanthalas said:

    That's disappointing to hear. I can go over to GOG today and install Baldur's Gate on all four of my PCs at home and we can all play together DRM free.

    Yes, but technically this is a case of abusing a DRM free game.
    Is it? Seems to me like common sense to me that you can install a game on multiple computers in your house and have friends play simultaneously. As long as no new copies are distributed by the user (physically or online, free or payed), it seems legitimate. I don't take EULAs very seriously since I only get to read them after purchase. I'd like to see the day when a publisher has the nerve to take any action against someone for multiple installations at his home or for borrowing his copy of a game to a friend.
    With the recent DRM we gamers had to suffer in recent years we have to put our rights as a higher priority.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Technically he is distributing copies though, since he's allowing multiple people to play concurrently the same single player game.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Well for me its simple if i would play with a friend who i dont live with then i get that you would need 2copies but with my wife with 2computers in same family then its just ridicilous to think ppl would buy 2copies, how many playstation/xbox games you need 2copies for 2ppl in same household to play?
  • DragonspearDragonspear Member Posts: 1,838
    @Raywind but those are games which have co-op modes on the same system. I knew husband and wife combo's in wow and there they HAD to buy 2 copies of the game.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    and i know husband and wife combo on WOW that used same account to play multiple characters are allowed just cant play at the same time but still with one purchase of the game like all games i know are.
  • Doom972Doom972 Member Posts: 150

    @Raywind but those are games which have co-op modes on the same system. I knew husband and wife combo's in wow and there they HAD to buy 2 copies of the game.

    MMOs work in a different way - you actually buy an account. The physical copies some of them still have are just for convenience.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    It's murky waters when you're still in the same house of course. If I'm playing a game at my house, there's no problem. If my friend takes my seat and plays the game at my house, I think I'm still sort-of ok. If I install it on a second PC and let him play with it in my own house it becomes sketchier, he will have a wholly seperate experience/installation from me, but from the same source.
    It comes to certainly illegal when he takes that copy and plays it at home while I'm still playing my game (in which case the game is basicly copied).

    I think the baseline is: You buy the game for one person. Every other person that plays on that purchase is using a copy and thus subject to piracy laws.

    In ye olden days you could easily get around this in a household by doing a full install and swapping the startup disc around, these days they're either throwing on massive DRM or (in this case) rely on your honesty. Sounds fair.
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2012
    Here is the official Baldur's Gate EULA agreement:

    I don't see any wording whatsoever limiting the license to a single computer within the same household. In fact it says the license is good for "home use". If I have more than one computer in my "home", I assume I'm okay playing multiplayer with the same copy on both.

    So there is no abuse here. Anyone who will tell you otherwise is giving their personal opinion that has nothing to do with Interplay's Terms of Use in this instance.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    EULA's don't detail every possible situation. Though they do make mention of not copying the game or distributing it. What you're doing is basically enabling several people to play a single-player game concurrently with the same copy of the game.

    The fact that you needed to have the CD in your drive to start up the game already indicates that they never intended people to play multi-player games using the same copy of the game.
  • GaelicVigilGaelicVigil Member Posts: 111
    Tanthalas said:


    EULA's don't detail every possible situation.

    They cover every situation that can be used in a court of law against someone. In this case, we're talking the law, not personal ethics.

  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    The EULA already covers your situation, it just doesn't detail it.
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