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When you know the Gods don't want you to go on...

Hunting some dangerous sirines on the Sword Coast, Kara the Barbarian found that her foe was rather killed by a natural lightning bolt. "Interesting," she thought... "There goes 2000 experience," I thought...


Then, even more interesting, Kara, still gaping at the smoldering corpse of the sirine, was struck by *two* lightning bolts in short succession--struck dead.

I took it as a sign that Lady Fortune might not have been smiling on Kara's journey when Mellicamp failed his save (which I can't help but see as an omen for how things will go).


  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Condolences, this happened to me at Dorn's initial encounter. The lightning bolt first killed the elf chick, then wounded Khalid and then zapped Dorn and then my pc. Maybe it is a bug or a very rare occurence to have so many lightning bolts land in quick succession.

    Tip:when in rainy weather always travel with more than %50 hp. Because a lightning does %50 of the character's maximum total hit points. Thus, after a lightning strikes immediately gulp down a healer potion as the second strike can kill you.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    I was playing a no reaload some time ago, with a Priestess of Lathander, solo, almost 2/3 of the game done...
    ...Left the game open and unpaused for a while (in that same area)...
    ...Got back to the game....
    ...Struck by lightning...
    ...I had to reaload...
    ...And to redo all the area...
    I hate lightnings.
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