My constitution has reduced

Hi there. Recently get this game on iPad. Playing shadow of Amn. Half elf, Beast Master, Chaotic good. By the beginning of the game, my constitution began to reduce, marked with the red color. Now it is only 1. I don't have any curse, charm, cursed items etc. What is the reason of it? Thanks
You let your familiar die, I guess. When a familiar dies you suffer -1 constitution permanently. Yup, mage spell description says it all. Familiars are not there for battle, they are for their special abilities and hit point bonuses.
There is no way to fix this other than a save game editor like eekeeper. You must use ifunbox to transfer tour save game to pc and edit there and put the edited save game back to Ipad.
Failing that, there is a belt in Unseen eye quest's boss which sets con to 18 dor 8 hours. There are potions of fortitude that sets it to 18 for a short time as well.
If your familiar dies again, you will die too. Talk to your familiar and offer it to hide in your backpack.
Tip:post topics about gameplay in General forum, you will get more answers quickly, post here for only Ipad spesific questions.
It's one of their class features.