Custom Character Portraits Question

Not quite sure this is the correct forum for this question, but here it goes. First time playing through BG and I'm trying to import a new character portrait into the game using GIMP and EEKeeper. From what I've gathered elsewhere you need to convert the image once you're done modifying it into a 24 Bit Bitmap (BMP). Problem is I seem to be doing this wrong. In GIMP I have the option to export the image as a BMP, but once it's done exporting I get a file with a PNG extension which is apparently unrecognizable by EEKeeper. So, if there are any GIMP users out there who would like to enlighten me as what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
Not quite sure this is the correct forum for this question, but here it goes. First time playing through BG and I'm trying to import a new character portrait into the game using GIMP and EEKeeper. From what I've gathered elsewhere you need to convert the image once you're done modifying it into a 24 Bit Bitmap (BMP). Problem is I seem to be doing this wrong. In GIMP I have the option to export the image as a BMP, but once it's done exporting I get a file with a PNG extension which is apparently unrecognizable by EEKeeper. So, if there are any GIMP users out there who would like to enlighten me as what I'm doing wrong, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
You need a small portrait and a large I think. There's a guide on the forum somewhere.
As for the extension, try MS Paint? I think you can do it with that as well.