Class For Chaotic Fighting?

what class that has so many skills, like explosions, like the battle of Gorion and Armored Fiend guy.
what class that has so many skills, like explosions, like the battle of Gorion and Armored Fiend guy.
That would be Mage and Sorcerer my friend
So sorcerer and mages huh, i've tried conjurer and i kinda liked the summoning imp which can also transforms itself into many entities but when dual class with cleric those skills were lost.
My complimentsfor dualling a Mage into a Cleric, it's unusual, I like that.
For example Mage3/Cleric3 cant use mage abilities, but Mage3/Cleric4 can.
Have fun with BG!
Berserker Mage is more than enough...
As for the OP, are they sure they don't want to play something like Borderlands? LOL (all in fun).
I think though that maybe they are seeing
@FinalFront - point taken, although I think anyone who can find their way to this forum would probably already have heard the name before. Still, I edited it into spoiler tag.
Edit: forgot exploding arrows in BG1 so those too.
I never use one to edit my ability scores, gold, XP, reputation, proficiencies, thieving points, or inventory, but I do use one to create illegal classes and combos. Up next is Stonebeard, a Dwarven Skald.
anything else makes me feel like a cheat, but then I don't even dual class for the same reason guess im just a purist
Or a Cleric/Mage who uses cleric glyphs and wards in addition to Fireball and Skull Trap. No arrows of detonation, though.