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Books: What should I do with them?


Just curious if there is any point to carrying around these books once I have read them? Also if there is anywhere I can store them (still in the FAI-Beregost territory), I would like to keep them but they take up A LOT of inventory space. I suppose I could just stick them in a random chest, but maybe there is somewhere more appropriate and easier to remember? Thanks.


  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    No. They're all the same.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    There are a large number of bookcases in that big manor in beregost (the one that has the wand of lightning). Putting them there might be an option.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Give them to Firebead Elvenhair!
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    There are also a few merchants here and there who will buy the books for 1 GP each - like Feldepost in Beregost, for example.
  • FrostyFrosty Member Posts: 190
    At the friendly arm inn, once you Get Jodi's flamedance ring back she leave that house and never returns making it a good place to stash stuff.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    I tend to make several caches of unused stuff, then shuffle it when I find a buyer, or change home bases. In Beregost you can make do with an unused barrel, but the best spot is Kagain's storehouse, after you have either recruited him or recruited/dismissed him.

    In the FAI, Joia's house.

    In Baldur's gate, Silence's shop.

    I think Feldebpost Inn and FAI will both buy books, at least one of the carnival shops, and several places in BG, possibly including Silence. You can try Officer Vai; if she will buy she will probably give the best price.

    As far as I remember, none of the usual off-the-shelf books will get you an entrance to Candlekeep, so don't worry about selling a book unless it was clearly established as special/valuable/wanted at Candlekeep.

  • NokkenbuerNokkenbuer Member Posts: 146
    There are a select few merchants willing to buy books for gold (typically 1gp), though the nuisance of carrying them around isn't really worth it, especially considering how easy (and useless) gold can be in the first game. In both games, the vast majority of books exist primarily for lore and roleplaying purposes. You can read them to better understand the history and lore of the game and The Forgotten Realms universe. Aside from that, however, they're useless.

    Certain books are valuable, useful, or relevant to the game. This includes magical tomes, which grant permanent character stat modifications, certain quest items (usually uniquely labeled), and a couple books which relate to the protagonist and the events occurring in the game. Generally, though, you can toss any book you come across. Unless the item picture is different from the normal book icon, you can pretty much ignore them entirely.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Ignoring generic books on shelves on subsequent starts/playthroughs, after you have read all the lore, can save a generous amount of looting time, and cut the risks of exposure/run away during looting a lot.
  • The_Potty_1The_Potty_1 Member Posts: 436
    On my first playthrough, I carted every book I ever found around, and eventually chose to store them in the basement of the Flaming fist HQ, because of all the thieves wandering around stealing people's stuff. Hm, actually, that was me. Well anyway, that's probably the best place to store stuff you want to keep really safe.

    [Spoiler]No. No it's not.[/Spoiler]
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