Scimitars, Wakizashis, Ninja-tos
Member Posts: 5
Is there any point in using a non-magical scimitar or ninja-to instead of a wakizashi? The latter does the same damage but has higher speed. For that matter, why use a dagger in melee when a wakizashi does more damage? I am talking about BGEE.
Ninja-tos and wazi-whatevers didn't exist in the original BG1, and scimitars were only introduced by the TOTSC expansion, primarily as a means to give more weapon options to druids. They were originally part of the much broader "large sword" weapon category, which also included long swords, bastard swords, and 2-handed swords. In BG2, the weapon categories became divided, and it was only at this point that ninja-tos and wazi-whatevers (I hate their name) were introduced and added to the scimitar group.
Because BG:EE uses BG2 rules (and therefore, BG2 weapon categories), the devs added ninja-tos and wazis to the game to give players with profs in scimitars more weapon options. Obviously, this has made the scimitars basically redundant and inferior, but that's just the way things played out over time.
Incidentally, to answer your original question, I would point out that the different swords do different types of damage, and you may encounter different enemies who are more resistant or altogether immune to certain types of damage.
There are some magical scimitars, Rashad's Talon. In the EE you can get two copies, one in the top of Durlag's and the other in the Spider-Cloakwood area (it is on the ground so you need to pick it up the first time).
I think scimitars are much better, but you get magical wakizashis earlier.
Scimitars are apparently manufactured on the Sword Coast, even though they're inspired by the designs of foreign swords according to their descriptions.