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Writing contest

ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
I don't know if they were any talks about a writing contest or not. Let's say Overhaul fires up the race, and some of the best writings turn into side quests or a bundle of quests, kinda like a DLC. Or create a modding team, and besides the other mods out there done by modders, they dedicate to this contest once or twice a year; alot more people can get involved this way, keeps the community alive.
So, what say you? Feel free to give an insight into your sick and twisted mind.
Post edited by Zafiro on


  • ddubiousddubious Member Posts: 29
    User Generated Content is an awesome game model. Many succesful, long lasting game even deliver the game editor to their fans, like Skyrim, Neverwinter Nights, Portal 2!

    Contests help do the same thing - a lot of people get involved to come up with ideas for the company, happy to do it as a contest with a small prize (namely your name on your favorite game). It saves the company some time and money working on expansion projects, lets the fans be involved in the their game, and rustles up the community into playing the game again every year (or twice a year).

    I don't know if Overhaul had DLC in mind, or if expansions would ever come down the pipe from them again, but its certainly a good framework for a modding team to base their productions on, at least.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    well i am a writer and while i'm no where near good enough to win something like that, i would love to have the motivation to write something like that up. But then at the end of my sidequest would be some near invincible monster that would either be too hard, or would be nerfed and just make me mad. I like a challenge and they could give you an easy version and a hard version
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @Bjjorick, you won't have to compromise anything, mods are optional after all.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @zafiro well, for a beamdog official mod contest is what i was referring to, but yeah, if i write and create a mod myself, for sure people would say it's kinda cheap on the last boss. But and the loot couldn't be two awesome once you beat him as it would break the game, and i don't like pulling crap like 'it was all a dream, you lose all your stuff but still somehow keep all the xp you gained.....' or 'you can't take these items out lest the temple collapse' thing.

    But i am giving it some thought, and i would love to write something that would constantly mess with the player's head.
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @Bjjorick, I think a modding team is the way to go, after the game is released and we fully understand the mechanics. There are endless possibilities in writing, I for one I'm thinking about a few adventures that don't need fighting at all, just plain reading and many ways to action in a certain situation.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @zafiro well, you would have to have some combat, as most of the crpg would expect that. But that part would be done well enough. My one worry is that i would be a bit too wordy, if you haven't already noticed can be a flaw of mine at times. :)
  • ZafiroZafiro Member Posts: 436
    @Bjjorick, I have no fear of the great wall of words.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    @zafiro then you, my friend, are braver then most on the internet.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    That's a brilliant idea.
  • BjjorickBjjorick Member Posts: 1,208
    quick note, if anyone wants to get together and create some mods for the game, please let me know. i also know a writer who i feel would be better then I.
  • KlonoaKlonoa Member Posts: 93
    I don't know about making it part of DLC, but fan contests have done a lot for League of Legends.
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