portait pack

Is anyone familiar with this portrait pack called "Super ultimate portraits 1.0" and how to get it to work with BG1:EE? not much support at the site itself and the video is based on a Very early version of the game and is invalid. I tried installing it and I can't get any of the portraits to show. The only reference by the author, who sounds so utterly disinterested blames it on patch1.2(which was quite some time ago) and obviously has no interest in figuring out why 1.2 messed it up or redoing it. Hoping someone in the community or even a dev with a spare minute can guide me on this. Many of the portraits are not that great and some are from BG2 and ToB, but a great many are quite nice. I like the 8 new portraits that were added, but for a 2nd run through BG1:EE I wanted to change things up a bit and use a female paladin, but none of those new pics are paladin"ish". More like a druid/ranger, couple of mages and maybe a thief so this portrait pack had tons of good female pics that fit the bill, but it don't work.
Any help if someone's familiar with this would be great, but I get the feeling this pack is a lost cause.
Any help if someone's familiar with this would be great, but I get the feeling this pack is a lost cause.
The author of Super Ultimate Portrait Pack included an old BGEE.SQL file in their installation process, which messes everything up for new updated versions, such as v1.2. Blame whomever, but simply DELETING this file from your \portraits directory should do the trick - or Override, wherever the author installs everything.
If the installation dumps all the portrait files into your override\ directory, along with the BGEE.SQL file, nuke the BGEE.SQL file and then move all the portrait files to your \portrait directory.
Why the author refuses to fix this annoyance is beyond me.
Personally, I'd rather you take a look at this portrait pack:
You can snag it from here.
They're all hand drawn and coloured, support a number of additional NPCs mods, and makes every major NPC have the same style.