The answer (sort of) to a lot of "loose ends" in BG...

As we all know, there are a lot of seeming "loose ends" in the BG series, especially in BG2, where there appears to be a number of characters and subplots that are never fully explained - i.e: the minotaur (Andorian) under the Copper Coronet sewers, the guarded compound in the temple district, etc. BG fans have gone so far as to create their own fanfic and mods that attempt to explain these situations.
I just came across this excerpt from an interview with one of the original BG2 designers, who commented on these "loose ends." From
"Back then the individual designers were free to populate their areas with whatever they wanted, so I took the liberty of including a lot of the D&D characters from my youth (i.e., the alter egos of my high school friends). One of them, Andorian, the minotaur, still raises questions on the message boards. I love the speculation involving him, people thinking he belongs to a hidden quest and so on. Sorry to disappoint, he’s just the D&D character of one of my friends and I had nowhere else to put him."
So the answer is... there is no answer! It was all just a colossal mindf##k by Bioware, and their devs have been watching us and laughing at us this whole time!!!
I just came across this excerpt from an interview with one of the original BG2 designers, who commented on these "loose ends." From
"Back then the individual designers were free to populate their areas with whatever they wanted, so I took the liberty of including a lot of the D&D characters from my youth (i.e., the alter egos of my high school friends). One of them, Andorian, the minotaur, still raises questions on the message boards. I love the speculation involving him, people thinking he belongs to a hidden quest and so on. Sorry to disappoint, he’s just the D&D character of one of my friends and I had nowhere else to put him."
So the answer is... there is no answer! It was all just a colossal mindf##k by Bioware, and their devs have been watching us and laughing at us this whole time!!!
Yeah, the Minotaur in the sewer hideout of The Hidden was clearly not related. AND I QUOTE!
Damn lying promotional ad!
The truth is out there
Never forget.
Presumably unfinished mod?!
anytime that i saved him he died anyway even if no baddies hit him