@Kiwidoc I am showing my age here, but that's Scarlet and Snake Eyes from the original G.I. Joe cartoon. Scarlet was kick-ass, as she was the only original female G.I. Joe character. I think Cover Girl was second season, and Lady Jaye was season… three?
Neat pix @LadyRhian. I love te angles in the elf archers face (the haryarti pic). She deifinitely looks something a bit like a humn, but definitely something other than human.
@Elrandir The baddies are always awful shots in any genre - not just Sci-fi. The Big Bad Evil Guy's henchman can spray the room with a machine gun and still miss the hero - who takes him out with a single shot.
@Elrandir - I've always thought it was bloody hilarious the way a Clint Eastwood character can dodge a hail of bullets and/or arrows, then calmly step out of cover while the baddies have miraculously ceased to shot then take eight bad guys out with just six bullets. I think the same "oh don't try apply logic to this, just laugh and have fun" combat rules apply to storm troopers.
by hart-coco by timmi-o-tool by EedenArtwork by NickRoblesArt also by NickRoblesArt by SamwiseDidier (I share this one only for the humor value) by MollyMetaphora by Zeronis by InnaVjuzhanina by yuchenghong by EncounterMy18 by SolanaDeLuja by Sakimichan by alanscampos also by alanscampos by DigitalSashimi also by DigitalSashimi
Ran into SO many good pics, I couldn't wait to share them all.
by NathanParkArt by MarkoDjurdjevic also by MarkoDjurdjevic by Rhineville (sometimes, even good armor can't save you!) also by Rhineville by Folko-S by avisnocturna also by Folko-S by dashinvaine by Everwho by Grafit-art by tincek-marincek also by Grafit-art by Mirax3163 (though she seriously needs padding under that armor!) by denahelmi
i said this in the Inquisition thread, but it deserves to be here too
Iron Bull/Cassandra dialogue I just got. I just wiped away the tears from laughing after hearing it.
Iron Bull: Rah... that's some good armor. Cassandra: Are you referring to me? Iron Bull: Some high-ranking women wore ornamental crap with tits hammered into it. One good shot, and all that cleavage gets knocked right into the sternum. Real messy. Good on you for going practical. Cassandra: I aim to please. Iron Bull: Leave something to the imagination too.
apparantly even a fantasy game brought logic into it's armors lol. and by that I am not thinking just on the actual looks, which I already knew are quite realistic in this game. female armor in Inquisition is practically male with a bit more room up front, barely noticable. strange to mention it now when Origins and 2 had fantasy boob cups on all the armors though...
Hi guys. Sorry I've been away for so long. I've been a bit unwell - I really don't like the cold @LadyRhian another set of amazing pix. I love the new Nathan Park - I haven't seen that one yet.
@ChildofBhaal599 I love that dialogue. It makes me really wish I could play DAI - but sadly any attempt leaves me totally wiped out with motion sickness >:(
Art by GaiasAngel ~ Part III
Art by Dead-Wintera
..... Huh. Well my brothers are both in their thirties, so I guess that might be the reason I've seen it...
Art by Jaime Martinez aka Dabanaworks
Art by Johann Bodin
1. ANDREW RYAN - Website http://andrewryanart.deviantart.com/
2. APTERUS - Website http://apterus.deviantart.com/
3. BADMUSTACHE - Website https://www.facebook.com/badmustache00
4. B-DUNN - Website http://b-dunn.deviantart.com/
5. BRAMASTA AJI - Website http://shadowness.com/unrealsmoker
1. CARLOS CADENAS - Website http://shadcarlos.deviantart.com/
2. DREW BAKER – Website http://www.drewbaker.com/
3. DRIGZ ABROT - Website http://drigzabrot.deviantart.com/
4. ERTAC ALTINOZ - Website http://ertacaltinoz.deviantart.com/
5. FLORENT AUGUY - Website http://florent-auguy.com/
Ran into SO many good pics, I couldn't wait to share them all.
1. STEFAN MEISL - Website http://digital-fantasy.deviantart.com/
2. STEVE ARGYLE - Website http://www.steveargyle.com/
3. VOLKAN BAGA - Website http://www.volkanbaga.de/
4. 我美蘭- Website http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2003931
5. 羅 光佑- Website http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2003931
Art by Adelruna - Part V (Update)
Art by Alexander Chaudret (update)
December Updates ~ Set 2
1 Yuan Cui - Website http://guesscui.deviantart.com/
2 Benjamin Ee - Website http://www.benjaminee.com/
3 Sebastien Grenier - Website http://sebastien-grenier.com/
4 Daniel Kamarudin - Website http://thedurrrrian.deviantart.com/
5 Florent Llamas aka llamllam - Website http://llamllam.deviantart.com/
Iron Bull/Cassandra dialogue I just got. I just wiped away the tears from laughing after hearing it.
Iron Bull: Rah... that's some good armor.
Cassandra: Are you referring to me?
Iron Bull: Some high-ranking women wore ornamental crap with tits hammered into it. One good shot, and all that cleavage gets knocked right into the sternum. Real messy. Good on you for going practical.
Cassandra: I aim to please.
Iron Bull: Leave something to the imagination too.
apparantly even a fantasy game brought logic into it's armors lol. and by that I am not thinking just on the actual looks, which I already knew are quite realistic in this game. female armor in Inquisition is practically male with a bit more room up front, barely noticable. strange to mention it now when Origins and 2 had fantasy boob cups on all the armors though...
@LadyRhian another set of amazing pix. I love the new Nathan Park - I haven't seen that one yet.
@ChildofBhaal599 I love that dialogue. It makes me really wish I could play DAI - but sadly any attempt leaves me totally wiped out with motion sickness >:(
December Updates
Matt Rhodes - Website http://mattrhodesart.deviantart.com/_____________________________________________________________________________
Jana Schirmer - Website http://janaschi.deviantart.com/
Akeiron - Website http://fantapixel.daportfolio.com/