Unbiased Ir'revrykal+5 mod

in BGII:EE Mods
BG2:EE added Ir'revrykal, a +5 TWS only usable by evil Paladins (Blackguards), but as it is based in the good ol' Unholy Reaver (thanks to Tresset for finding that it was actually based in that sword, codenamed reaver.itm), it's much underpowered than Carsomyr (which can also be upgraded to +6), so I made a few tweaks to it so it gets a little more powerful and description accurate
abilities toward good creatures.
In the future I might add some other things to the weapon. Any type of feedback it's welcome.

In the future I might add some other things to the weapon. Any type of feedback it's welcome.
Immunity to Charm and psionic attacks
Dispel magic by every hit
Thaco +5
Damage 1d12 +5, +5 against good creatures
It would be good, if blackguard could also have his own powerful armor set like Full Plate Mail and Helmet only usable by blackguards.
I imagine something like this:
But i doubt that such a trait is scriptable.
As another point, Paladins get the ToB sword (purifier) AND Carsomyr...
Except that sword, you could create also new armor sets, shields, helms and some trinkets like magical rings, necklaces, belts and more.
Because some of the new Items in BG2EE, except Unholy Reaver are only in the new npc's quests, which I really hate about Enhanced edition. For more, some of the old items from original game like helmets, have a new and weird colors and models. Like Helm of glory in original BG2 has horns and white color, in EE it has some yellow and grey colors with wings, which I really don't like it at all. I liked the old models, which they were more suitable with armors and shields.
But it's up to you, I don't forcing you or something. I only just want to help you with this.
I use Mac so I sometimes forget to add the exe installer, I'll update it in a day or so.
1) In terms of installing the mod, wouldn't it be easier to just drop the specific .itm file into the override folder, the way you can with Drizzt's equipment to get rid of Malchor Harpell? (http://www.baldursgatemods.com/forums/index.php?topic=8093.0) Maybe @CoM_Solaufein could help with that?
2) Is the sword actually going to be called "Unbiased Ir'revrykal"? That's breaking the fourth wall juuuuust a bit.
3) To keep the Carsomyr parallel, is there any way to program Cespenar to combine the sword with an Eye of Gruumsh (like the Eye of Tyr, but you can stash it somewhere in Lunia or Watcher's Keep, maybe as an item you get after poisoning the tree in Lunia?) to give it a boost to +6?
The sword's name isn't changed, I just adjust the description a bit, I don't even modified the lore nor anything.
I'll see of making it upgradable, it isn't too difficult but I yet haven't looked into that
Also, is it possible to have Carsomyr deal extra damage to all evil creatures instead of just the chaotic ones?
And about the extra damage to all evil creatures, how if could dealt 5/6 magic damage to all evil creatures and 5/6 magic damage to all chaotic creatures. Even that they are Chaotic good or Chaotic neutral. Chaotic evil creatures will have problem here, because they will suffer 10 magic damage by every hit.
First: In the description is written, that it will Dispel magic by every hit, but it still dispel 50% chance by every hit like in the original version.
Second: It's not a mod bug, but when I check the sword in Near Infinity tool, you incorrectly set the glowing effect on the blade. It should be correctly "Location: Weapon Head/Blade Minor 21" and not Weapon Head/Blade/Staff Major 16.
I also set a new colors for Ir'revrykal and Enkidu's Plate in Near Infinity, because some new color for some items looks very ugly to me. Especially for Enkidu's Full Plate +3 and for Shuruppak's Plate. I liked their colors from original BG2 game. In EE they look weird.
I've set the new colors to look like a Blackguard. First variation:
Second variation:
Updated mod is attached to the last post with... with an attachment.