I love that 'burning' to people who live in Europe is 35C...
We routinely hit 40 and no one bats an eyelid. In summer you wander around outside crackling like bacon.
Sure but on the flip side your winter weather is even better than theirs.
Also count yourself lucky. You may have hot summers but your winters look like heaven compared to my own (and especially compared to Beamdog employees in Edmonton hehe).
Weather in Winnipeg is either Long and darn cold or hot/warm. I have noticed however that we have been getting rain allot in June and may. And for the fall it only lasts for about a month or more. Our coldest winter month seems to be January to me. I did however miss a large hot August and July in 2011 because i was staying in BC for the summer with family. When i returned the heat wave died down fast.
I would take Australia's climate to Ireland's in a second. We have three types of weather at this time of year:
1. Slightly sunny. There's a few less clouds in the sky which means that people are everywhere. Gods help you if you're in a hurry to get anywhere.
2. Low temperature and raining, but high humidity. This means that whatever you wear, you will get drenched. Put on a coat to protect from the cold and you'll be sweating in seconds. Wear a t-shirt and you'll be freezing and wet. No matter what you do to protect against it, you will get a cold.
3. A combination of almost every possible type of weather. You want hail, we got it. Thunderstorms, floods or snow? In abundance. Sporadic changes in temperature? Of course. Humidity so bad at night you barely sleep. You betcha.
@demented hahahah! Summers here are 36-45 degrees C and 95%+ humidity for 6 months then suddenly it will end and it will be winter, 0-30 degrees C and 70-85% humidity. We really only have two seasons. :P We want to move. . . to Austria, in the mountains.
I don't know. I was in vienna a number of years ago and it was like 35c in august. Looks like I may have just wanted experience experienced unusually high temperatures though.
Ahh but to us, a 35 degree summer is still a little too high after so many years in 40's. It would be nice for it to go down to like 20 at night so we can sleep. We don't have air conditioning here so sleeping in 35 degree 100% humidity is near impossible. You just sit in bed sticking to everything wishing you could die. :P
We routinely hit 40 and no one bats an eyelid. In summer you wander around outside crackling like bacon.
Also count yourself lucky. You may have hot summers but your winters look like heaven compared to my own (and especially compared to Beamdog employees in Edmonton hehe).
I would take Australia's climate to Ireland's in a second. We have three types of weather at this time of year:
1. Slightly sunny. There's a few less clouds in the sky which means that people are everywhere. Gods help you if you're in a hurry to get anywhere.
2. Low temperature and raining, but high humidity. This means that whatever you wear, you will get drenched. Put on a coat to protect from the cold and you'll be sweating in seconds. Wear a t-shirt and you'll be freezing and wet. No matter what you do to protect against it, you will get a cold.
3. A combination of almost every possible type of weather. You want hail, we got it. Thunderstorms, floods or snow? In abundance. Sporadic changes in temperature? Of course. Humidity so bad at night you barely sleep. You betcha.
...sigh. Only another four months till winter.
@CaloNord Oh yeah? Well we have to deal with...bees in the summer. What could Australia possibly have that's worst than bees?
A climate that alternates between cold and very cold. Austria sounds pretty good right now.