Baldur's Gate and Multiplayer?

What is up with everyone and their need for Multiplayer with BGEE? This game has been out for over 15 years and it's never been that famous to play multiplayer. Not even back in the days with Gamespy a lot of people played it multiplayer.
Now i'm reading several threads with the following : I bought this game specifically to play multiplayer.
I can't help but to think that there are three logical reasons for this.
1.) People bought the wrong game.
2.) Beamdog somehow advertised this game as a multiplayer game or MMO.
3.) People though it was the new Diablo, like back in the days with BG1.
I personally HATE playing this game multiplayer because it annoys the hell out of me having other people pause my game and having to wait on them, then the whole resting for spells and where should we go. I don't want to go to Friendly Arm Inn, i want to go to Beregost! But we're stuck in the same zone?
Baldur's Gate has never and will never be a multiplayer game.
Is it possible to play it in Multiplayer? Yes.
Was it designed for Multiplayer? No.
So anyone else care to share their thoughts on this? Am i just odd?
Now i'm reading several threads with the following : I bought this game specifically to play multiplayer.
I can't help but to think that there are three logical reasons for this.
1.) People bought the wrong game.
2.) Beamdog somehow advertised this game as a multiplayer game or MMO.
3.) People though it was the new Diablo, like back in the days with BG1.
I personally HATE playing this game multiplayer because it annoys the hell out of me having other people pause my game and having to wait on them, then the whole resting for spells and where should we go. I don't want to go to Friendly Arm Inn, i want to go to Beregost! But we're stuck in the same zone?
Baldur's Gate has never and will never be a multiplayer game.
Is it possible to play it in Multiplayer? Yes.
Was it designed for Multiplayer? No.
So anyone else care to share their thoughts on this? Am i just odd?
Myself, I loathe the very idea—it's one of the many reasons I steer clear of MMOs. I've seen too many games get "balanced" for multiplayer, often to the detriment of the single player experience.
As jackjack noted so far that hasn't panned out very well given various platforms now have various version numbers.
They also advertised that the game would have multi-player matchmaking (and unfortunately the website even said it had it after BGEE was released) but obviously that didn't happen until 1.2 was released. Even when 1.2 was released I tried playing with a group of people but it was like pulling teeth. It just would not connect well with more than 2-3 people.
Anyways, I don't really think the gameplay leaves multiplayer as being very ideal outside of playing it with your friends while in the same room (or perhaps with headphones) but I also don't see why it couldn't be considered both a single player and a multi-player game.
That said, the game was programmed back in the days when developers had to do a lot of the low-level network communication and timing resolution by hand. This is by no means an excuse for Beamdog, but it is imaginable that the code written for bg2 multiplayer is tied too closely into the game code itself for them to change it with the resources they have. There could be any number of explanations, but I also can't see why they wouldn't benefit from getting true cross-platform multiplayer working.
The game was designed with multiplayer in mind, true, but I certainly wouldn't say it was ever the primary focus.
Edit: I'm particularly confused as to why you think someone who doesn't like multiplayer would prefer an MMO.
I agree with @SionIV, the game isn't made to be played as MP (at least BG1, BG2 has non-pausing dialogs), but you can get fun from doing so too. Playing with someone else maybe isn't better than playing alone with mods, but I enjoyed a lot of what I played.
Nevertheless, Beamdog advertised MP features, so now they ought to deliver on the commitment they made to those who like MP.
I spend many hours back in 2000 playing bg2 in multi with some friends, but it was annoying.
I think you can play it in multi, but it's not designed for the multi.
I think you can multi just some encounters, or something like that, but to play the entire game (not to mention the entire trilogy) is too much.
Beamdog said quite clearly that they were going to make better MP support. And... they really didn't. MP BG isn't really my interest, but Beamdog marketed this game to people who do want that MP support, and I think they should be held to that. Advertising something and then not having it is pretty uncool, in my eyes.
So ... Yeah, it's been frustrating.
its actually quite fun in mp I believe coordinating a party in which multiple players are present is pretty fun and a very different experience imo, if some what clunky
do I enjoy mp as much as single player no? not even close. But, I would never say it doesn't have a place I understand why people like it and a game every now and again can be fun.
I also think the game wasn't designed for multiplayer but still, something in my heart is EAGER to play a multiplayer game WITHOUT ANY PAUSE. Like, everyone play only his own character made by himself in real time, it would be a total mess.
The mages would blast their friends with non-party friendly spell etc. I think it would be a lot of fun and it would be a totally new experience.
With BG I and II Enhanced, we were all jazzed about playing it again, though now we have different platforms. It was a huge selling point for all of us. I even bought it PC on both PC and Android so I could play at home or on the road... which I can do, but only single player.
I guess the bottom line is that if you've played BG multiplayer, you miss it when it's not there. I can't see playing with strangers - the campaign could take over 100 hours to complete. But with a regular dedicated group, online multiplayer is a godsend. You can't get a more pure RPG experience than multiplayer Baldur's Gate unless you gather around the table with papers, pen, dice and graph paper.
I've got my fingers crossed that Beamdog makes it work.
p.s. sure would be nice if BG1 could be transferred to Steam if bought through Beamdog, but I know that might not be up to them.