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Khalid Jaheira Xzar Monty Fight

GoodSteveGoodSteve Member Posts: 607
While I have seen them duke it out before, I don't typically bring Khalid and Jaheira in my groups so I have not seen this epic battle in many years. I just started a new play through, using the NPC Project mod (which is still in beta but I haven't had any issues yet) and decide I'd like to experience this fight once again. I have a question though, since it has been a long long time since I witnessed the fight. What scripts do the characters use when they leave your party to engage in combat? Do they use the script that was set on them in your party or do they switch to their default script, or is it something else entirely?

I ask because I plan to keep whoever wins the fight in my team, and want it to be a fair battle. I typically have Xzar with no script since I like to direct his spells and attacks myself, and usually keep the other three in Standard Attack and adjust their actions accordingly. If I do this is Xzar going to just stand there while Monty has to fight both Khalid and Jaheira by himself? Is Jaheira not going to cast any spells and just fire sling bullets at Montaron the entire time? I want the fight to be epic and as fair as possible so any answer to this questin would be greatly appretiated.


  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 930
    I've always wondered: is a fight between these two duos *inevitable*? Can a PC with a high enough charisma maintain the peace?

    The prospect of manipulating Harpers and Zhents to work together in service of the PC's goals appeals to me immensely.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    Balquo said:

    The use their own scripts when the fight begins and they are all active in the fight. Jaheria and Xzar will both use their spells.

    Erm ... sorry, @Balquo, but that's not clear to me. By "their own scripts", do you mean their default scripts, or the last scripts the player assigned to them, or a custom script assigned for this fight?

  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Balquo said:

    The use their own scripts when the fight begins and they are all active in the fight. Jaheria and Xzar will both use their spells.

    Do you know if they use scripted spells or is it based on what you have them memorize beforehand?
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356

    I've always wondered: is a fight between these two duos *inevitable*? Can a PC with a high enough charisma maintain the peace?

    I think all of the intra-party clashes work on a probability, so that they don't necessarily occur. But in this particular case, I think the probability is high. Maybe some of them are scripted definitely to occur, I'm not sure.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    edited June 2014

    I've always wondered: is a fight between these two duos *inevitable*? Can a PC with a high enough charisma maintain the peace?

    I think all of the intra-party clashes work on a probability, so that they don't necessarily occur. But in this particular case, I think the probability is high. Maybe some of them are scripted definitely to occur, I'm not sure.
    When exactly the fight occurs is random. Apparently a roll is made every now and then and it's modified by your Charisma... maybe the Reaction Modifier, but high Charisma seems to keep people in line at least. You can go through the entire game without anything happening or they can snap as early as the Friendly Arm Inn.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857

    I've always wondered: is a fight between these two duos *inevitable*? Can a PC with a high enough charisma maintain the peace?

    I think all of the intra-party clashes work on a probability, so that they don't necessarily occur. But in this particular case, I think the probability is high. Maybe some of them are scripted definitely to occur, I'm not sure.
    When exactly the fight occurs is random. Apparently a roll is made every now and then and it's modified by your Charisma... maybe the Reaction Modifier, but high Charisma seems to keep people in line at least. You can go through the entire game without anything happening or they can snap as early as the Friendly Arm Inn.
    First time I used charisma as a dump stat in BG1, this was a shocket, having the Harpers kill my Zhent allies; I often grabbed the lot to use as meat shields. But suddenly, their outlines go purple, I cant click them, and Xzar was one shotted. Quite the shock, having this happen immediately upon adding Khalid!
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited June 2014
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Here are some screenshots that I had saved from a playthrough of the original BG1 many years ago.


    Here, a fight broke out between the four NPCs after an exchange of words between Khalid and Xzar. As you can see, all four partook in the battle. Xzar didn't attempt to cast any spells, likely because I had already used up all the spells that he currently had memorized. However, Jaheira did heal herself at one point, when she was in danger of being killed - and a good thing that she did, because Monty's next hit was a crit for double damage.

    In the end, Jaheira killed Xzar, Monty killed Khalid, and then Jaheira (after healing herself in the nick of time) killed Monty.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Mmmm, good ol' vanilla.
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