Can someone offer insight/advice on a mod?

in BG:EE Mods
I'm looking at the Neera expansion, and while everything looks right to me, I don't know much of how this works. The last mod I tried went so badly I had to uninstall the game and redo everything. I don't want to do that again, so I'd appreciate if someone could help a noob out and warn me of any issues with it before I try using it.
Likewise, if anyone has used it, any tips on how to get it working would be greatly appreciated!
Should you experience any problems, follow the instructions under the spoiler tag.
[spoiler=Read in case of problems]Post here the file SETUP-NEERA.DEBUG (it will be created automatically in the main BG:EE folder during installation). To post this file you can choose one of the following options:
1) zip/rar the file and attach here the resulting archive
2) copy paste here the file content; in this case it would be better to post the content under a spoiler tag, because it could be very long[/spoiler]