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Anomen/Viconia romance mod?

contowncontown Member Posts: 84
I heard there was a ToB mod for those two. Is that true? I haven't been able to find it, and I heard Viconia's normal ending is pretty sad. I'd like to avoid that.


  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    I was DESPERATELY hoping somebody actually made a series of banters in which Anomen tries to romance Viconia.

    Possible outcomes include: Partial success, Anomen gets Viconia drunk, and is his ever-so-classy self, for lawful neutral. Lawful Good he fails abysmally, getting shot down over and over. Seriously snubbed by Viconia.

    And best of all, Chaotic Neutral Anomen suceeds... and becomes the, erm, less dominant. Replaces Anomen's portrait with a gimp mask.
  • AstharielAsthariel Member Posts: 6
    There is a mod with a new ending for Viconia... And it's Edwin Romance. Go figure.
  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    The NPC Flirt Pack at Pocket Plane adds a lot to the original Bioware romanceable NPC’s. I remember some talk about an alternate ending for Viconia, but having never romanced her myself, I’m not sure what that is. I did like how they fleshed out Anomen’s romance a bit more. Their Banter Pack adds a lot as well, though again, I’m not sure what for Viconia. I do know that there were many requests for happier endings back when they were first making these mods.
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    Asthariel said:

    There is a mod with a new ending for Viconia... And it's Edwin Romance. Go figure.

    Neat thing is its completely independent from the romance itself so if you don't want to install Edwin's romance at all you can still install her new ending. Though I guess you probably knew this already...
  • jcomptonjcompton Member Posts: 157
    NPC Flirt Pack does provide a new epilogue for Viconia, provided she remains evil and the PC (one of similarly nefarious intent) does not ascend.

    Banter Pack features what one could liberally call the World's Shortest Romance Track between Edwin and Viconia.
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    jcompton said:

    Banter Pack features what one could liberally call the World's Shortest Romance Track between Edwin and Viconia.

    XD so who murders whom?
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