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Do I Need to Start Over?

So I have a party consisting of my main character, a Fighter/Thief, Minsc, Jaheira, Nalia, Yoshimo, and Aerie and we are new, between levels 7 and 11. No particularly special weapons (+1 and +2, Minsc is using a regular 2-h sword, etc.)

I started Nalia's quest and flew through it defeating everything handily. I cast hast on my main and he rifled through the treasure in the golem room before we all flew down into the cellar without so much as spitting at the golems, then we took care of the umber hulks ans the Trolls (Torag?) with no problem thanks to some tactics and cloudkill.

Now my problem is getting back out of the cellars. As far as I can tall, the only way out is back up the stairs past the golems, but they nearly one shot most of my party, and Minsc can hold out for perhaps two or three hits. In other words, impossible. None of our weapons seem to do any damage, and what spells do work against them are useless since dead spellcasters are ineffective.

I have been quicksaving so I have no real recourse to go back. Am I missing an exit in the cellar or is this game just a waste of my time at this point. I thought I might be abe to get out the way the umberhulks tunneled in, but no such luck. It is surprising that there would be such a one-way gate to certain death introduced so early in the game since Nalia basically begs you to help her right at the beginning.

Anyway, just looking to get out of this hellhole. I don't need strategies at dealing with the golems from the front side, they are already riled up. I just want to get out.


  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited June 2014
    So you triggered the golems and ran away down the stairs? Or did you not even go into the golem room and they trigger when you come back up?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    The golem's are vulnerable to blunt weapons if I recall correctly. Magic won't work on them. Do Nalia or Aerie have summon animal spells? That might be able to hold them back long enough for you to escape.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    Failing that, pause and Ctrl + J teleport to somewhere far far away.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited June 2014
    darodalaf said:

    So I have a party consisting of my main character, a Fighter/Thief, Minsc, Jaheira, Nalia, Yoshimo, and Aerie and we are new, between levels 7 and 11. No particularly special weapons (+1 and +2, Minsc is using a regular 2-h sword, etc.)

    I started Nalia's quest and flew through it defeating everything handily. I cast hast on my main and he rifled through the treasure in the golem room before we all flew down into the cellar without so much as spitting at the golems, then we took care of the umber hulks ans the Trolls (Torag?) with no problem thanks to some tactics and cloudkill.

    Now my problem is getting back out of the cellars. As far as I can tall, the only way out is back up the stairs past the golems, but they nearly one shot most of my party, and Minsc can hold out for perhaps two or three hits. In other words, impossible. None of our weapons seem to do any damage, and what spells do work against them are useless since dead spellcasters are ineffective.

    I have been quicksaving so I have no real recourse to go back. Am I missing an exit in the cellar or is this game just a waste of my time at this point. I thought I might be abe to get out the way the umberhulks tunneled in, but no such luck. It is surprising that there would be such a one-way gate to certain death introduced so early in the game since Nalia basically begs you to help her right at the beginning.

    Anyway, just looking to get out of this hellhole. I don't need strategies at dealing with the golems from the front side, they are already riled up. I just want to get out.

    You have Jaheira in your party. If neither Nalia nor Aerie have the level 3 mage spell "Invisibility 10' radius" then I would open up Jaheira's spellbook. Assuming she can cast level 5 spells have her memorize a single casting of "Pixie Dust" and then rest (you'll want to save in case you get attacked after resting). Once you have successfully rested gather your party around Jaheira and have her cast Pixie Dust. Then leave the cellars and walk past the golems (also turn off party AI before all of this).
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @elminster: Sage advice, that! First ever reasonable use of that spell, too.
  • darodalafdarodalaf Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for all the responses.

    I finally came up with a simple solution though it took a few tries to succeed without fatalities. When I came back up the stairs there were a couple smaller golems immediately ready to attack. I set the game to pause when an enemy is sighted. At the bottom of the stairs I simply caste Haste. then at the top of the stairs, when all was paused, I carefully, one by one, sent each character depending on how they were positioned out of the room. This had to be done carefully because the pathing mainly just had them bumbling around while the golems smashed them. It was like untangling a knot.

    Then when they were all basically clear, I sent them all back down to the main hall, golems right on our heels.

    Thanks again everyone. I think I will stay in Amn for a while.
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    You should have acquired a certain +3 flail while working your way through Nalia's quest. It's arguably about the best weapon in the game and would certainly work against the golems.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    This is true! ^ We all forget the wonderful flail! :D Beats the snot out of most things.
  • abazigal5abazigal5 Member Posts: 290
    edited July 2014
    Okay. The flesh golem requires any enchanted weapon. The clay golem requires any enchanted blunt weapon (like the warhammer in one of the statues). The stone golem requires +2 or better weapons. And the iron golem requires +3 or better weapons to hit. And the iron golem can't be affected by ANY spells. I'm not sure about the others.
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