Stalker (9)/Cleric - A Backstabbing Druid?

As a fan of fighter/druids this sounds like a fun combo (assuming it is allowed on your install based on mods or whatnot). If I am not mistaken Stalkers get x3 backstab at level 9 (even only 2, not bad). Cleric buffs like DuHM and backstab with a QS while protected by Iron Skins so immediately after the battle can go into melee dual wielding FoA and whatever . . . Sounds pretty bad ass. Especially once the higher level druid spells come in (and priest). Maybe less bad ass if only x2.
The only downside is that you are limited to leather armor, so your AC will suffer a bit and your Iron Skin may wear out very fast, especially in ToB. The Gauntlets of Dexterity will help in that case though.
I had a similar idea to @shylaman a little while ago, although I'm planning to hold off the dualling until level 13. I've already got the character rolled-up and ready, but I haven't taken him out for a run yet, and I don't intend to do so until the patch is out to fix the stealth bug. I don't use backstab very much with Thieves, because with their poor THAC0 I find it irritatingly unreliable, so the point of this character is to be a backstabber who actually stands a chance of hitting often enough to be useful, and also (with Iron Skins) of being able to melee after the backstab without dying. Never mind that his multiplier will be only x3, I'd rather have x3 on a hit than x5 (or even x7) on a miss! I reckon it'll be an interesting run when I get around to it.