Help me decide my next playthroughs: Back to Basics

Even though I have a wizard slayer in early ToB (In Saradush I think, closing in on Gromir), and an evil Blade at the start of BG2 (that I sorta wanna redo with RRB). I'm looking to you my fellow forumites to help me decide my next 4 games of BG, and to some degree it will impact how I do my dragon age runs as well coming up.
I'm setting a personal goal of myself:
To beat BGEE/BG2EE, ME1-3, and DA1-3 by the end of the year with every base character class:
In ME and DA this is easy, you have Soldier, Engineer and Adept or Warrior, Rogue, Mage and so those are fairly locked in stone.
In BG obviously, we're going to add the ubiquitous cleric into the mix, as they are a base class in D&D.
All of these WILL be role played, but also, most of these characters (BG and DA) will be similar personalities across playthroughs (all done on the hardest difficulty possible because I hate myself).
For example:
If I have a Dwarf Fighter in BG, then in DAO my warrior will be a dwarf as well. If I am a berserker in BG then one of my specializations in DA (in fact the first one) would have to be berserker. Just because I like easily getting into character like that.
So what is set in stone:
Thief - Assassin, Evil (because I've never really played one other than my blade) starting with Longsword and Shortbow (for thac0). Probably going Elf here for the thac0 reasons. (Sorry Hexxat)
Mage - Invoker, Good most likely, Human with a love and affinity for the flashy damage magics (I never said I was smart)
Cleric - Cleric of Helm, LN, unsure on race but prolly human due to RP reasons.
Fighter - Torn between another Wizard Slayer (I hate myself remember) or Berserker
How should I play these characters, anything you think I should add. Any mods in particular I should add (I run vanilla atm, but I've considered RRB and SCS)
And I will try (no promises) on pulling a @Blackraven and doing no reload. Oh and tryign to write it all down in one post just so that everyone stays up to date (DA and ME runs would obviously be in offtopic but linked in a General thread for BG).
This would prolly expand eventually to a 1 of every class then 1 of every kit run in a long long time from now.
I'm setting a personal goal of myself:
To beat BGEE/BG2EE, ME1-3, and DA1-3 by the end of the year with every base character class:
In ME and DA this is easy, you have Soldier, Engineer and Adept or Warrior, Rogue, Mage and so those are fairly locked in stone.
In BG obviously, we're going to add the ubiquitous cleric into the mix, as they are a base class in D&D.
All of these WILL be role played, but also, most of these characters (BG and DA) will be similar personalities across playthroughs (all done on the hardest difficulty possible because I hate myself).
For example:
If I have a Dwarf Fighter in BG, then in DAO my warrior will be a dwarf as well. If I am a berserker in BG then one of my specializations in DA (in fact the first one) would have to be berserker. Just because I like easily getting into character like that.
So what is set in stone:
Thief - Assassin, Evil (because I've never really played one other than my blade) starting with Longsword and Shortbow (for thac0). Probably going Elf here for the thac0 reasons. (Sorry Hexxat)
Mage - Invoker, Good most likely, Human with a love and affinity for the flashy damage magics (I never said I was smart)
Cleric - Cleric of Helm, LN, unsure on race but prolly human due to RP reasons.
Fighter - Torn between another Wizard Slayer (I hate myself remember) or Berserker
How should I play these characters, anything you think I should add. Any mods in particular I should add (I run vanilla atm, but I've considered RRB and SCS)
And I will try (no promises) on pulling a @Blackraven and doing no reload. Oh and tryign to write it all down in one post just so that everyone stays up to date (DA and ME runs would obviously be in offtopic but linked in a General thread for BG).
This would prolly expand eventually to a 1 of every class then 1 of every kit run in a long long time from now.
Rogue Rebalancing is a pretty fantastic mod. It does an amazing job on bard's especially, at least from my point of view as a massive fan of the Blade and Jester. The BG2 version has a pretty mad boss encounter later on it to, which I very much enjoyed.
SCS is one of only three on my must have mod list. Tweaks and RR being the other one. It does WONDERS for the overall fun a difficulty. Well worth the install!
If you're looking to do a cleric run and don't really want to use any of the default ones I've just started a run through with the Cleric of Tyr, which is proving to be a lot of fun and a slightly different flavour from the default kits. of tyr.rar
Personally, I would LOVE to hear the DA and ME runs! Just for a change of pace! I just got the Mass Effect Trilogy reinstalled a few days ago and haven't had a chance to play through them again yet. Dragon Age is a classic as well. With Dragon Age Inquisition on the way it might be time to dust of a playthrough of that to! (Let's never speak of DA2.)
Anyway, I look forward to this very much!
I'm an ole PC player and that's where I have them.
My PCs usually unintentionally share common traits based upon name anyway. This would be formalizing it.
Re: DA 2 (and the last I'll say of it, I don't wanna go through that argument here again really)
I felt the game itself was fine. My biggest gripe of all was merely the heavily recycled areas. That said I own all the DLC and never played it so I'm hoping to give it another try. I've also never played most of my ME3 DLC so we'll see there too.
Also Cleric of Tyr IS an interesting backup option, but honestly Tyr and Helm are both equally attractive cleric options in my opinion. I'm a natural paladin so :P
I dunno, I won't argue but I just didn't feel it lived up to the benchmark set by it's predecessor. It felt like a quick stop gap while we go off and work on Inquisition.
Yea I like Helm
Speaking of Paladin's, Undead Hunter seems to be somewhat underloved! :P Everyone drools all over the Inquisitor...
I would say my paladin is a Cavalier at heart in all honesty. I think Arveene would prolly be an Undead Hunter next because they still have full access to their priest spells IIRC. Inquisitor has never really felt like a paladin kit to me simply because of everything they give up =/
Of course I also self RPed my dwarf in ToB as a wannabe paladin of Mystra and she's a wizard slayer so :P
Sorry I'm getting off topic majorly!
Good mods include the already mentioned Rogue Rebalancing mod, Hard Times, BG2Tweaks, aTweaks, and SCS.
As to you decision between Berserker and WS, I'd say pick the former if you have a WS in ToB already.
I have the impression you know the games pretty well. What other advice would you be interested in? Roleplaying advice? Party members?
This is my ME playthrough for my adept. Also I found out how to extract the portrait using EEkeeper, unfortunately I can't make it my forum portrait since it is one of the DLC portraits =/