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Let's talk: Baldur's gate strategy

xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
Hi everyone! Legion is here and I would like to talk bg strategy. With baldur's gate enhanced edition coming out soon I thought it would be a good idea to post this discussion to help with people who are not entirely familiar with the game and as a useful strategy guide to those in need. Post your party comb and your preferred strategy below.

My party comb: 1 shield berserker, 1 two-handed berserker (damage dealer), 1 cleric, 1 bounty hunter, 1 sorceror (my character), 1 mage

Party stats:
Shield berserker- High str, high dex, high con, low int, low wis, low cha. Official party tank which means he is the one who takes all the dmg. Weapon/shield style.

two-handed berserker- High str, high dex, high con, low int, low wis, low cha. Party damage dealer. Two-handed weapons.

Cleric- Moderate str, high dex, low con, moderate int, high wis, high cha. Party healer/utility spellcaster. Focuses on healing, buffing, and silencing enemy spellcasters.

bounty hunter (thief)- moderate str, high dex, moderate con, low int, moderate wis, low cha. Party scout/trap setter. Focuses highly on scouting. Weakens enemy with traps and backstabs if strategically possible.

Sorceror- very low str, very high dex, moderate con, high int, moderate wis, moderate cha. Party supporter/utility. Focuses on confusion and conjuration followed by haste. Also provides self defensive spells.

1 mage- low str, high dex, moderate con, high int, moderate wis, low cha. Party protection/dispeller/supporter. Focuses on dispelling enemy protection spells, transmutation spells, and conjuration support.

My preferred strategy:
First off, I send my bounty hunter to scout everywhere as much as possible and relay all enemy positions. When running to first encounter depending on how dangerous my opponents are I apply appropriate buffs to my party members for the coming battle such as protection from evil, defensive harmony, bless, or chant. I send my bounty hunter to set up some traps nearby and begin pulling with a backstab. After backstab has been executed, I lead the enemies toward the traps, very effectively weaking or killing them. I have my whole party armed with ranged weapons to reign hell on the enemies until my tank runs in to engage.
As the battle begins, if there are enemy magic users on the field I start off with dispel magic to remove enemy protections followed by silence and miscast. After that, I have my mages cast Malison and chaos which will effectively cause them to turn on eachother. Once that has been achieved, I have my mage focus on dispelling anymore incurring enemy spell protections while my sorceror summons legions of creatures at his disposal with an occasional fiend summoning. My two-handed damage dealer if needed hangs back and focuses with throwing axe on enemy spellcaster to interrupt spells. If not needed, he runs in with two-handed sword and kills off enemies.
While all that is happening, I send my thief running away from the battle constantly so he can hide in shadows and execute backstabs unless we have invisibility available which can be provided by my mage.


  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    2 blades for dmg dealers, one sorcerer just for fun and some spellcasting if the blades dont have time to cast, 2 assassins to backstab enemy mages and last spot goes for bounty hunter for some lockpicking trapfinding and traps and maby even shoot something with an arrow or two.

    Strategy with this kinda combo goes something like this.
    Assassins sneak behind enemies (so they can stab mages to hell when the battle begins).
    Blades put offensive spin on and sorcerer casts haste so the blades deal 4-6attacks each round (with bg1 weaponry 9-10attacks in bg2) blades also use stoneskin. then charge in with ultimate speed with blades and sorcerer can twidle her/his thumbs.

    Battle begins blades kill enemy fighters in record speed while assassins stab mages and sorcerer stands and watches, bounty hunter arrives and starts to find traps (detect illusion) those hiding enemies and maby shoot some arrows at mages if the mages wont drop from single stab.

    Again sorry for my terrible english forum ppl :D
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Interesting. Never cared for using bards in my party but I'll have to try this.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    bards suck but blades rule
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    I rely on magic a lot.

    In BG1 I have my mage(s) cast Sleep and Horror a lot. This takes care of most of the mobs. In BG2 that gets upgraded to Chaos and Emotion: Helplessness.

    I also try to Charm or Dominate (always nice to get enemies attacking one another), Slow, Blind, Hold or Confuse as many of among the enemy as possible. I like having pristes use spells like Entangle and Summon Insects. Basically, I try to have the magic users use as many offensive disabling spells as possible.

    For the warrior classes, in BG1 ranged weapons are very powerful, especially bows. Beyond that I use the standard spell and potion buffs for major battles.

    I also love having a fighter-thief (or cleric-thief PC) backstab with some of the more powerful quarterstaffs. I'll often launch an attack that way.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I really miss the time where I would ever have to send a bounty hunter out to scout what was coming next :(. Does anyone know a freindly mindflayer who could help me?
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    lol surprised I'm not getting many comments on this thread! >.<
  • CandramelekhCandramelekh Member Posts: 109
    Lemernis said:

    In BG1 I have my mage(s) cast Sleep and Horror a lot. This takes care of most of the mobs. In BG2 that gets upgraded to Chaos and Emotion: Helplessness.

    I also try to Charm or Dominate (always nice to get enemies attacking one another), Slow, Blind, Hold or Confuse as many of among the enemy as possible.

    As long as i play solo mage, i also use polymorph self spells. Gnoll vs. beasts with magic and weapon immunity and spider vs. groups of weak enemies
  • KenKen Member Posts: 226
    Why do people always make parties of 6?

    I'm going to have a small 3-4 people party (More xp, higher lvls, more tactics)

    Mage/Cleric, Half-elf
    Barbarian, Half-Orc
    Thief, Human or Halfling

    Maybe a Human Monk too

    Everything works out that way, and I get to feel superior when I crush parties of 6 enemies!
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    I enjoy having my party BUMP into trouble, be surprised, then fight by the skin of their teeth in a no hold bard battle for survival. Wizard eye in BG 2 really took the surprise out of encounters if used too often ;)
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Yeah it kind of did
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    I usualy play the classic way: A good thief, a good mage, a good cleric, a good warrior. I try to do everything with the thief (the sneaky way) and when this is not possible, I have my 3 backup fellows (or 5).
  • immagikmanimmagikman Member Posts: 664
    My Strategic overall strtegy in BG is...
    1. Pause
    2. Plot actions
    3. Un pause
    4. Repeat steps 1 - 4

  • SilenceSilence Member Posts: 437
    One of my favourite parties:

    1. Melee DPS: Barbarian. Most people think it's worse than a fighter, I'm think it's better. In BG1, berserker rage way outstrips the benefits afforded by specialization and combines well with Draw Upon Holy Might. Further, berserker rage grants you immunity to all those annoying mind-effecting spells.

    2. Ranged DPS: Archer.

    3. Melee Tank 1: Inquisitor. Amazing, immune to all magic effects of note. Can also dispel magic on my party in a jam (such as confusion, paralyzation or fear). Or he can cast an offensive dispel magic to debuff an enemy mage.

    4. Melee Tank 2/Party buffing: Fighter/Cleric. Great in combat (there are a surprising amount of strong bludgeoning weapons). Great for heals too. Usually a half-orc (+Draw Upon Holy Might) or dwarf. Often a two-weapon user (maces or flails) who can pick up a shield if necessary. Later in BG2, he becomes a two-handed weapon user (staves can be insane).

    5. Special Teams: Love the bounty hunter, @xLegionx. The Swashbuckler is also great. Often dual to a fighter, cleric or mage after FRT and OL are maxed out.

    6. Caster: Necromancer or Sorceror. I like spell volume more than versatility. Least important, really anyone can fill this slot (a Skald is great too, because it greatly increases DPS + AC of the part).

    I seldom use offensive spells. I just use buffing and concentrate on combat. I do a lot of kiting (arrow damage) and luring (trap damage). I ensure my melee tanks are immune to mind-effecting spells before sending them in. Once I do, then the ranger combatants follow behind and chip in deeps.
  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    I always like to have a master archer in the party to disrupt spellcasters, always worked very well.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197
    Yeah same here silence. I always make sure to have fighters immune to mind affecting spells before sending them in and then unleashing hell on my enemies.
  • xLegionxxLegionx Member Posts: 197

    My Strategic overall strtegy in BG is...
    1. Pause
    2. Plot actions
    3. Un pause
    4. Repeat steps 1 - 4


    Thats some ground-breaking strategy magikman. :P

  • e3r4t5yne3r4t5yn Member Posts: 42

    My Strategic overall strtegy in BG is...
    1. Pause
    2. Plot actions
    3. Un pause
    4. Repeat steps 1 - 4


    got nothing to add. that's just breakthrough.
  • perceiveperceive Member Posts: 3
    The only thing I know is I really want to do is try being a monk. Once upon a time I either wanted to be a fireball wielder or a two weapon warrior... but for some reason I now want to try being a monk, and from there what ever happens, happens.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    Starting example scenario - BG1:
    I start with fighter wearing a bow so I can kill enemies from distance. When I get some levels I go to Friendly Arm Inn to get Jaheira and Khalid. Next thing is to get another spellcaster so the fun can start...

    Fighter - good str, good dex, good con, low int, low wis, low cha

    Starting example scenario - BG2:
    I start the game with multi-class fighter/mage. As soon as Imoen frees me, I abandon her and free Minsc and Jaheira without accepting them in my party, taking all the xp for myself. Then I gear myself in the next room(armor, long sword, scimitar and a helm). Next thing is to kill the mephit and stop the lightning machine and voala, level up...

    Fighter/mage - good str, good dex, good con, good int, good wis, low cha

    These are just examples. I tend to try different things. As of the combat tactics, they are just too many to explain each and every one, especially in BG2.

  • SynergeticSynergetic Member Posts: 69
    Web/Entanglement + Fireball = Game over
  • GaaraGaara Member Posts: 26
    I always have at least 3 melee characters in my party & if a difficult fight comes I just give each of them oil of speed & a *something* giant str potion ,that pretty much does it

    (I ve been playing DDO (D&D Online) & hage (haste+rage) is a must combo )
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