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Planescape Torment Enhanced Edition

Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
Is that coming too? now that both games have been released? I'd LOVE it!


  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    No news about that.
    But it would be awesome.
    The only enhancement I need is an iPad version :)
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    no no I want a steam version of that too :P with patches, better sound and updated engine.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    @Dee any word on this? pretty please?
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    Me too. you are doing an incredible job with Baldur's Gate EE. Toss in Planescape Torment too, and I might ame my firstborn Dee :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Dee said:

    Nothing official, but I personally would like to see what's on the inside of that version of the Infinity Engine.

    Particularly the proximity checks, the tint screen effects and the Demons' & Devils' animations, right? :)
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    It would be so good! Just for the resolution updates and bug fixes for compatibility on the newer, higher end systems! :) Would be AWESOME to see some life breathed back into PS:T again to! This has sparked a second RPG renaissance as far as getting many more people back into an old and amazing title! :) Love to see it done with PS:T and the IWD series to. Just to bring all the IE games back into line with each other and let another generation enjoy them just like we did! :D
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    @CaloNord‌ you make me feel old! :p
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    @DreadKhan‌ HAHA! I know right?! My uncle and I were like, "I remember Baldur's Gate when it came out... in 1998... wait... 1998... *doing math* 16 years ago. 16 years, couldn't have been that long. Oh god it has been that long!
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Its a bit jarring to think about it, but most of the 'new' traits added to rpgs since Planescape are already in Planescape. Arguably PS:T is the modt advanced rpg ever made, still, from the perspective of role playing. It seems like the evolvrd form (and more serious version of Sierra RPGs, which were so open back in the day. Actually, the LucasArts RPGs were the next step... PS:T is the step after those weird but cool RPGs. But my point is that nobody csn claim PS:T isnt a cutting edge rpg in terms of role playing.

    imho, the IWD series is pretty epic for hack n slash, and despite the lack of side quests and item lore was an excellent story. IWD would be an easier movie to make or novel to write than BG. Might be better to read too. I'd love to watch some kid raised on easy RPGs play IWD vanilla. HOF sfterwords, but vanilla IWD was brutally difficult imo... Yxonomei vanilla was brutal, and Belhefit would eat Melissan alive. :s I didnt use interwebs to get info back then, so I had to completely restart IWD a couple times as my psrty was garbage. Tons of fun though! Vanilla IWD was harder than pulling shark teeth, but was a work of art. Kresselack, The Hand, Dorn's Deep (the bastard Nym), and the expansions are truly good story telling, and very creative. Fighting an ACTUAL Lich? Finding his phylactery?! *poops pants*

    Didnt even mention the art!
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    All good reasons to get a Ps: T EE :)
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    as an addition to that: if you do that and want to add a new companion, think big. think Trias, the Betrayer! Such interesting banter he would have with Grace, Annah, and possibly Vhailor too!
  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    I think the main problem with a PST:EE is that it would be very difficult to add any new content into the game.

    The Baldur's gate games already had a million mods with new quests/NPCs long before BG:EE came out. And because the games are fairly open, it is very easy to fit new content into them.

    However PST is much more tightly written. It's much more difficult to add new content into the game and have it fit properly with the existing content. Plus most of the NPCs have a prior history with the Nameless One which is discovered through playing the game.
  • Daralon87Daralon87 Member Posts: 236
    edited July 2014
    CaloNord said:

    @DreadKhan‌ HAHA! I know right?! My uncle and I were like, "I remember Baldur's Gate when it came out... in 1998... wait... 1998... *doing math* 16 years ago. 16 years, couldn't have been that long. Oh god it has been that long!

    I was in this time 9-10 years old (usk is 12 = PEGI or ERSB as comparison in Germany) a little bad boy
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Needed? No. But personally I'd like to be positively surprised with something fresh. Such as the inclusion of all that content which was cut from the end product. Or a romanceable Bariaur maid.
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    As I keep repeating, the only enhancement needed is the ipad/android portability.
    Graphic improvements and bug fixes would be good things, but I would buy it (for iPad) even without them.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Planescape summed up in 25 seconds.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    @LiamEsler‌ I'm still on the fence about this to be honest. I love the new content that was added to BG but I've never played Torment all the way through I was far to young at the time and I can't play it now on the Win8 laptop.

    If its just updates to the engine and bug fixing then new players would be getting the pure PS experience. Exactly as it was intended. From what I hear it doesn't need anything more really.

    That said, if it's well done and well executed so it blends well into the original game then I wouldn't know the difference right?

    Is it better to enjoy a cult classic as it was originally intended or with the added content?

    Undecided. Need more information!
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    Just improve the engine, include Fixpack and UB content and I'll need no more. Ah, and make Fhjull joinable NPC:)
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    I want trias lol.
    @CaloNord‌ new content, if integrated properly. can be amazing.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    @Dark_Ansem‌ That's why I'm still on the fence! I love the new stuff in BG it just has to FEEL right for me. Feel like it's been there since the 90's you know?
    Dorn in my opinion is probably the best at this. Neera and Rasaad are pretty good too!
    I haven't had a crack at Hexxat yet so I can't speculate! :)
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    CaloNord said:

    I love the new content that was added to BG but I've never played Torment all the way through I was far to young at the time and I can't play it now on the Win8 laptop.

    Huh, PS:T seems to run fine on my laptop with Windows 8.1.
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Easy option: update and clean up original game, keeping content pretty much identical.

    Then, if the update sells well (it should be able to stand as is contentwise), you will get feedback about 'whats missing'. New DLC can then be sold. This assumes that new content is costly to produce, and it gives the benefit of allowing players less interested in new content to play the original 'classic' enhanced version. *shrug*
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    @Dee why would it the Torment engine be different than the Baldur's gate one?
  • CuvCuv Member, Developer Posts: 2,535
    @Dark_Ansem For starters, the animations are in a bit different format and are handled differently and there are more transitional cycles than BG/BGII have.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    so it would be too difficult?
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    Dee why would it the Torment engine be different than the Baldur's gate one?

    Besides from what Cuv said, the PS:T engine has lacks some effects the BG2 engine has, same way it has some of it's own, and the language for scripting creature actions is a little bit different and it has lots of new triggers that are only in the PS:T engine.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    so it would be too difficult?

    I don't know about too difficult, but it would certainly be a challenge.
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    edited August 2014
    Dee said:

    so it would be too difficult?

    I don't know about too difficult, but it would certainly be a challenge.
    still, I'd buy it in one second if you people were to release it, @Dee :D
    I'd even Early Access it, because I love your work <3 I wouldn't mind more patches, but still exceptional work.
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