Ability (Stats) Increases and Meta-Game Knowledge

I recently created a table in the General Questions Thread listing the ability increases available throughout the whole saga for both good and evil characters. I must admit, I did take some information from other sources, so I have to give credit to @PugPug for his excellent guide, which contains a great deal of information on a variety of things related to meta-gaming and abilities.
The guide doesn't say what ability increases are available in a "simple" table, however, so I made this one. (Partly due to my own desires to meta-game my character even more) So here it is. Good and Evil assume that when it comes to specific and definitive Good-V-Evil choices, you always choose one or the other. I'll also say where you get these bonuses in the spoilered section below. Also, when it comes to the "Total", the first number is assuming you avoid all optional losses, the second assumes you took all optional losses, and the third is taking into account the class based increase while avoiding all possible losses.
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (warrior only) +1 BG2) Total: 2/1/3
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (warrior only), +3 BG2) Total: 4/3/5
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (rogue only), Definite -1, +1 BG2) Total: 1/0/2
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (rogue only), +1 BG2) Total: 2/1/3
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, +1 BG2) Total: 2/1/2
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, +3 BG2) Total: 4/3/4
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible +1 (wizard only), +1 BG2) Total: 2/2/3
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible +1 (wizard only) +1 BG2) Total: 2/2/3
Good: (+3 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (priest only), +2 BG2) Total: 5/4/6
Evil: (+3 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (priest only), +1 BG2) Total: 4/3/5
Good: (+1 BG1, +2 BG2) Total: 3/3/3
Evil: (+1 BG1, +1 BG2) Total: 2/2/2
Methods of increasing/decreasing stats
BG1: Tomes
You get stat tomes that increase your stats by 1 in BG1. Each stat has only one of these tomes, with the exception of WIS, which has three of these tomes.
BG2: Increases
The Deck of Many Things: It is possible to gain a +1 to your classes "prime requisite". This being STR for warriors, DEX for rogues, INT for wizards, and WIS for priests.
The Machine of Lum the Mad: You can gain a +1 to every stat using this machine. No difference whether you're good or evil.
The Hell Trials: This is a very late game series of trials which have varying rewards based on your choices. The stat increases are as follows:
Good: +1 WIS and CHA
Evil: +2 CON and STR
BG2: Decreases
The Dream Toll: In a "dream sequence" during BG2, you're forced to choose one statistic to decrease by 1. You can choose from STR, DEX, CON, and WIS.
The Hell Trials: If you're sticking to the good path during the hell trials, you're forced to lose 1 point of DEX.
The guide doesn't say what ability increases are available in a "simple" table, however, so I made this one. (Partly due to my own desires to meta-game my character even more) So here it is. Good and Evil assume that when it comes to specific and definitive Good-V-Evil choices, you always choose one or the other. I'll also say where you get these bonuses in the spoilered section below. Also, when it comes to the "Total", the first number is assuming you avoid all optional losses, the second assumes you took all optional losses, and the third is taking into account the class based increase while avoiding all possible losses.
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (warrior only) +1 BG2) Total: 2/1/3
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (warrior only), +3 BG2) Total: 4/3/5
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (rogue only), Definite -1, +1 BG2) Total: 1/0/2
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (rogue only), +1 BG2) Total: 2/1/3
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, +1 BG2) Total: 2/1/2
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible -1, +3 BG2) Total: 4/3/4
Good: (+1 BG1, Possible +1 (wizard only), +1 BG2) Total: 2/2/3
Evil: (+1 BG1, Possible +1 (wizard only) +1 BG2) Total: 2/2/3
Good: (+3 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (priest only), +2 BG2) Total: 5/4/6
Evil: (+3 BG1, Possible -1, Possible +1 (priest only), +1 BG2) Total: 4/3/5
Good: (+1 BG1, +2 BG2) Total: 3/3/3
Evil: (+1 BG1, +1 BG2) Total: 2/2/2
Methods of increasing/decreasing stats
BG1: Tomes
You get stat tomes that increase your stats by 1 in BG1. Each stat has only one of these tomes, with the exception of WIS, which has three of these tomes.
BG2: Increases
The Deck of Many Things: It is possible to gain a +1 to your classes "prime requisite". This being STR for warriors, DEX for rogues, INT for wizards, and WIS for priests.
The Machine of Lum the Mad: You can gain a +1 to every stat using this machine. No difference whether you're good or evil.
The Hell Trials: This is a very late game series of trials which have varying rewards based on your choices. The stat increases are as follows:
Good: +1 WIS and CHA
Evil: +2 CON and STR
BG2: Decreases
The Dream Toll: In a "dream sequence" during BG2, you're forced to choose one statistic to decrease by 1. You can choose from STR, DEX, CON, and WIS.
The Hell Trials: If you're sticking to the good path during the hell trials, you're forced to lose 1 point of DEX.
(Obviously there's some duplication of @Elrandir's info)
Strength +1
Dexterity +1
Constitution +1
Intelligence +1
Wisdom +2 (+3 for Evil)
Machine of Lum the Mad:
Strength +1
Dexterity +1
Constitution +1
Intelligence +1
Wisdom +1
Charisma +1
Magic Resistance +5
Storm Star +3
Hell Trials:
Good - Immune to normal & +1 weapons
Evil - +2 Con & Nymph Cloak
Good - +10% Magic Resistance (-1Dex, lost HP, lost XP)
Evil - +2AC
Good - +2 to all saving throws
Evil - +15HP & Blackrazor
Good - +20% resistance to fire, cold & electricity
Evil - +200,000 experience
Good - +1 to Wisdom & Charisma
Evil - +2 to Primary Stat