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Can I do Cernd's sidequest AFTER SoA?

I really don't know how the transition from SoA to ToB works, this is my first playthrough. I have his sidequest right now, and I kind of want to leave him behind for story reasons. But he fits well in my party comp right now, so I don't want to lose him just yet.

Will his sidequest stick around after the big battle in the elf city?


  • abacusabacus Member Posts: 1,307
    ToB takes place in a different part of the world.
    So no quests carry over.
    (Although one or two items "pay off" here.)

    In ToB, don't expect to have the same variety of side quests... Only the new EE NPCs will give you quests.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    ToB is fairly short and focused compared to SoA. It has a lot less exploring and a lot less freedom then SoA and a lot less content. That being said it's still a pretty good wind up to the story! :)
  • osian2osian2 Member Posts: 10

    So Dorn and friends have more quests in ToB? I did Dorn's quests in SoA. Is there more for him to do if I freed him?
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    The new companions should each have some ToB content as well. ;) I don't want to spoil anything for you! ;)
  • osian2osian2 Member Posts: 10
    Thanks a lot then, I guess I'll leave Cernd with his kid before the final battle and grab Dorn. Somehow that seems fitting.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    Hehehe oh lord don't get me started of Cernd's parenting! ;)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited July 2014
    Also its important to note that if you leave an NPC out of your party (for the final battles of SoA) you won't be getting back that version of the NPC in ToB. In other words don't leave anything you plan on using with Cernd in ToB on Cernd in SoA (if you aren't going to beat SoA with him). The items will disappear (he starts out with pre-selected items in BG2 which includes what he would have had when he joined you in SoA).
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