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Black Pits 2 help please? *spoilers*

PolyHCPolyHC Member Posts: 3
Everything is fine and dandy till I hit the demi liches... Look, I confess, I'm a bad-to-mediocre player, being a newcomer to BG, but SOMETHING should be possible to do to defeat these two on Novice, right? So far I tried

-Spell Immunity:Abjuration, Improved Haste + Kai on my DPS Kensai
-Repel Undead, Hold Undead, Control Undead, Turn Undead with my cleric and 2 mages
-Time Stop+ Imprisonment times 2
-3x Greater Malison, 6x Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
-Summons to distract 'em

Nothing worked. At this point, I'm desperate, so every suggestion is appreciated up to and including new party started from scratch and/or cheats.

Thanks in advance, am really curious how it all ends.


  • stepbergstepberg Member Posts: 16
    I am a bad player roo but if you have someone who can be protected from imprisonment, give him the longsword Daystar and whack 'em til they're dead. Barbarian/Berserker rage also gives immunities, so then you just need the right weapons. If you search this forum, there should be other tips too (like thieves traps etc.). Also, greater malison does not lower resistances, so you should use lower resistances first, then abi.
  • JurisJuris Member Posts: 113
    What step said - barbarian or berserker rage plus a +4 weapon (like Daystar or +4 arrows). Anti magic scroll is even better. Holy word is supposed to work too.
  • GoturalGotural Member Posts: 1,229
    PolyHC said:

    -Spell Immunity:Abjuration, Improved Haste + Kai on my DPS Kensai

    This strategy should be your best bet, why didn't it work ?
  • PolyHCPolyHC Member Posts: 3
    Dunno, kensai resisted first Imprisonment, then the second got him anyway.
  • PolyHCPolyHC Member Posts: 3
    Tried again and again, somehow nth time was lucky, spell immunity worked, and I dispatched the liches. Thanks everyone! :)
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