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Is Minsc's Berserk worth anything?

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  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,458
    I would say his berserk innate is mostly there for roleplaying purposes. It's worth using sometimes because of the immunities and stat boosts it grants if you can handle the drawbacks. I've used it once or twice in very special situations, but you'll have to keep your distance from him, because he attacks everyone indiscriminately.
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @thespace If you have Keldorn in your party he will have a talk with Minsc after his berserk state. After a couple times it seems to keep Minsc from attacking party members.
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,809
    I like it. I have Minsc converted to a Barbarian permanently now so he has a normal Beserker state as well as his own but I'd say it can be useful. He will attack party members sometimes if they get to close, once all the enemies are dead he will calm down and you can control him again. ;)
  • wampawampa Member Posts: 68
    Short answer: Yes, especially at lower levels. The immunities it provides are absolutely amazing. But you do have to use it strategically.

    One classic combination is with Web support from your spellcasters.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Best to use it when you have less party members (or Keldorn in your group as ronaldo pointed out).
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Its a handy tool for some newbies... first playthrough, Minsc tanked the 4 outside the mine for me by using it. They were pretty hard if you didnt know how profs worked, and were stingy with potions.

    He fought with a DoV, no pips. Everyone else used ranged stuff. Not my proudest memory, since many of my 'archers' weren't proficient either... and my C/I was a slinger only, not wanting to waste his precious spells.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Dagger of Venom
  • iavasechuiiavasechui Member Posts: 274
    In BG1 my best way of dealing with Sirens is to have Minsc walk up to them all alone and berserk. That way he keeps attacking after being charmed, I just wait until they are all dead and walk up to him after the charm and berserk wear off.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    It makes for a funny epitaph.

    Here lies CHARNAME
    Boo went for the eyes
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    DreadKhan said:

    Dagger of Venom

  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    jackjack said:

    It makes for a funny epitaph.

    Here lies CHARNAME
    Boo went for the eyes

    That should be in Nashkel. I was disappointed that the graveyard district in bg2 dint have inscriptions.
  • KhalKhal Member Posts: 53
    argent77 said:

    I would say his berserk innate is mostly there for roleplaying purposes. It's worth using sometimes because of the immunities and stat boosts it grants if you can handle the drawbacks. I

    What are the immunities and the stat boosts?
    And also what are the draw backs? (except for the fact that he attacks your own party, which doesn't seem to drastic to me)
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited July 2014
    Khal said:

    argent77 said:

    I would say his berserk innate is mostly there for roleplaying purposes. It's worth using sometimes because of the immunities and stat boosts it grants if you can handle the drawbacks. I

    What are the immunities and the stat boosts?
    And also what are the draw backs? (except for the fact that he attacks your own party, which doesn't seem to drastic to me)
    (Takes the opportunity to shamelessly plug his NPC Guide)

    You can find what Minscs berserk does in my NPC Guide to BG2EE (or in the spells and abilities guide I also have on Steam). It does the same thing in both games.

    "For the two turns (2 minutes in real-time) that it lasts it increases his strength and dexterity by 2 and increases his total health by 15. It also provides immunity to charm, panic, sleep, confusion, maze, level drain, hold, and feeblemind. However, in combat situations you will lose control of him so its best used with caution. Also the 15 health that he gains will be removed when the effect ends, so make sure to not have less than 15 health with him while he is going berserk."

    By lose control I mean that not only will he attack your party members, but he can even end up attacking neutral NPC's (like commoners). This can lead to you losing reputation and even losing Minsc from the party.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    elminster said:

    Khal said:

    argent77 said:

    I would say his berserk innate is mostly there for roleplaying purposes. It's worth using sometimes because of the immunities and stat boosts it grants if you can handle the drawbacks. I

    What are the immunities and the stat boosts?
    And also what are the draw backs? (except for the fact that he attacks your own party, which doesn't seem to drastic to me)
    By lose control I mean that not only will he attack your party members, but he can even end up attacking neutral NPC's (like commoners). This can lead to you losing reputation and even losing Minsc from the party.
    I always found this hilarious.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    edited July 2014
    jackjack said:

    elminster said:

    Khal said:

    argent77 said:

    I would say his berserk innate is mostly there for roleplaying purposes. It's worth using sometimes because of the immunities and stat boosts it grants if you can handle the drawbacks. I

    What are the immunities and the stat boosts?
    And also what are the draw backs? (except for the fact that he attacks your own party, which doesn't seem to drastic to me)
    By lose control I mean that not only will he attack your party members, but he can even end up attacking neutral NPC's (like commoners). This can lead to you losing reputation and even losing Minsc from the party.
    I always found this hilarious.
    *Minsc hits commoner*

    "This is not right. Change our course or I will have to apply a considerable wallop of virtue!"

    *Minsc hits another commoner*

    "Boo can stand only so much!" (Minsc leaves)
  • KhalKhal Member Posts: 53
    A little off topic...
    I accidentally killed an NPC that was waiting to theoretically join my party (which I had declined, then a fight broke out, few of my guys were confused and attacked the NPC and then had to finish him off because he wouldn't back off).
    Anyway, I don't think I actually got experience off that, or was able to use any of the items that he had. Is that a common thing?
  • DreadKhanDreadKhan Member Posts: 3,857
    Minsc is a rageholic... he blames any problems caused by ragehol on others, to salve his raw, vulnerable soul.

    Its a disease.

    Look at what it did to normally totally kindhearted Mayor Rob Ford... now he's an unrepentant racist!
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