What is/was your favorite Magic Item in BG/BG2

For me the most indispensable item was the "Fixed" Bag of holding that was not limited to how much you could put into it. I am a pack rat when it comes to CRPG games, I keep or try to keep all the odds and ends I dont absolutely have to sell....In games like Oblivion, Fallout 3, Skyrim I try to get a house ASAP to store my lewt

In a similar vein, the sword spider ring has saved my Mage countless times when his back was against the wall.
The best item in the game is the dead cat.
In any case, I've gotta go with Celestial Fury. Either that or the cheap stupid combo of the Amulet of Power, Robe of Vecna, Ring of Gaxx, and Staff of the Archmagi. Seriously, I'm practically invincible as a wild mage with those items.
As for previous threads...maybe, I never saw it though.
I used to love the lightning bolt wand in BG2, I seem to remember you could pick multiple targets?
Bg2: Ring of Gaxx
I still have no idea what the horn does to the user.
I also was quite fond of the Blade of Roses when I could afford to buy it from the Copper Coronet
BGI: Ring of Freedom of Movement
Well I actually was able to get Celestial Fury pretty early on, same with the Robe of Vecna or even Amulet of Power. The Ring and Staff though... those are a little trickier to get a hold of xD