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Kit.2da Equivalent?

In previous iterations of Baldur's Gate, there was a kit.2da file that could be edited to modify the proficiency system in order to allow change the usability flags (allowing a mage to use thief equipment). Is there an equivalent file for BG2EE & BGEE in a text file form somewhere?


  • ErgErg Member Posts: 1,756
    @UCLAParadox, the file is called KITLIST.2DA in both the original games and the enhanced editions.

    That file is missing only for vBG1 as there were no kits there, unless you used the BG2 engine through Tutu or BGT.
  • UCLAParadoxUCLAParadox Member Posts: 2
    Hmm... I couldn't find it. Guess I need to look closer.
  • WispWisp Member Posts: 1,102
    You probably haven't unbiffed it. Any modding tool can do it.
  • Kwiat_WKwiat_W Member Posts: 37
    2da files have nothing to do with usability flags, you change those in itm files, for each item separately. You can change proficiency system to allow mages to put 5 points into swords, but they still won't be able to use swords without modifying itm files.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2014
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