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[IN PROGRESS] Adamanta Bigtoes for BGEE

SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
edited June 2015 in BG:EE Mods
This is that NPC idea that I put in

My friend and I decided that we might as well try to make this an NPC mod. This is a first draft, so any thoughts, comments, and feedback are appreciated!

Name: Adamanta Bigtoes

Race: Half-Orc

Class: Cleric/Thief

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Stats(Dice roll 84):
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 18
Constitution: 19
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 17
Charisma: 10

Thief Skills(at Level 1):
Move Silently: 30
Find Traps: 10
Pick Pockets: 40
Open Locks: 25
Hide in Shadows: 30
Detect Illusion: 0
Set Traps: 5

Weapon Proficiencies: *Sling, *Sword and Shield Style.

Deity: Brandobaris

Spells Memorized: Light Cure Wounds, Bless, and Sanctuary.

Where to find her: The Brewery Temple in Gullykin

Adamanta was found, orphaned, outside of Gullykin where some halflings found her, and took her in as their own. As a youth, Adamanta tried to copy her halfling siblings, and friends by sneaking around and doing other things. However, she was always kind of big, so she ended up helping her siblings, and friends, by lifting them up to windows and such. Now, since she's older, she can sneak around and make her friends and family proud.


Q: For a half-orc, why does she have 10 strength?
A. She grew up with halflings, and most halflings don't do heavy lifting.

Q. Will she have a romance?
A. No, Adamanta loves loot and only loot. However, she will apparently be flirting with Neera.

Q. Why Cleric/Thief?
A. Tiax is a horrible Cleric/Thief, and there are none in BG2EE if we decide to carry on with her. Unless you use the Tiax mod by @kulyok‌.

Q. Does she have a portrait?
A. Not right now, she's still far from complete.

Q. Will this mod be for TuTu, or BGT?
A. Not right now, so far its going to be BGEE exclusive. However, if someone wants to make it compatible with TuTu or BGT once she's released, then please ask.

Q. Why does she worship Brandobaris?
A. She grew up with halflings, and he's basically their equivalent to god of sneaky-sneak.

Q. Why do some of the answers have "She grew up with halflings"?
A. Because, she was orphaned and found by halflings as a baby.

Q. What is with the Progress Percentage Counter?
A. It's mostly there for decoration, and lets me stay organized, I guess.

I'll probably add onto this when there's more questions.

Dialogues - 2%
Interjections - 0%
Banters - 15%
Portrait - 50%
TP2 File - 99%
Audio - 0%
.cre file - 100%
Scripts - 1%
Readme - 0%
Find Place to Host Mod - 0%

Post edited by SapphireIce101 on


  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Started on Adamanta's join the party dialogue.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited July 2014
    Finished her join the party dialogue, and starting on her "You've been kicked out of the party" dialogue.

    Also, at this point, I'm pretty sure that she's going to be in the Temple that is in Gullykin.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2014
    Looking good. I'm also working on an NPC named Yeorg who will be found in Gullykin (not in the temple however). Kind of an under-utilized place in the game.

    This thread has given me the idea of actually having a formal thread for where I work on my mod. From the looks of things Gullykin might be getting a bit busier than usual :)
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @elminster‌ - I agree, Gullykin is a rather under-utilized place. Even if you use the BG1NPC Project, and move Alora to Gullykin. I think you're right about it getting busier than usual.

    Also, I think a formal thread is a good thing, hopefully people will give you feedback on your mod.

    I wish you luck on Yeorg! :D
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Started on Adamanta's main script.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited July 2014
    Got Adamanta's kick out dialogue mostly done. Still need to get the area code, and where I want to place her at though.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited July 2014
    Got started on her banters, and got two of them with Minsc done. Adamanta and Minsc are going to be best of friends. Like, Minsc carrying Adamanta on his shoulders, and Boo is on Adamanta's head.

    . . . If anyone could draw a fan art of that, I would be eternally grateful.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Added another Minsc banter. He's going to get one more, though. Also, got her area script, and where I wanted to place her within the Temple and Winery of Gullykin.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Not really a progress report. Just saying that my writer decided to not associate with me anymore, so I may need to sense my inner CN Half-Orc Cleric/Thief.
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Alright, my writer and I are friends again. So, progress on this mod may resume soonish. Until then, here's a Adamanta and Minsc Banter!


    Adamanta: By Brandobaris' wrinkly toenail! Is that a pygmy giant void Hamster? Look at you! You're so cute?
    Minsc: What?! Boo is not cute, he is an instrument of Justice!
    Adamanta: Is he a Trombone? He's a very cute Trombone.
    Minsc: Ah, well yes, Boo is a rather cute warrior for Freedom. Aren't you Boo?

  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited February 2015
    Got some Ajantis banters done. :) As well as a sample of a banter with Ajantis!


    Adamanta: Ajantis! Janty-Jan! What's Helm like? Whaaaaaaat?
    Ajantis: Well, you see, Helm is-
    Adamanta: Does he give you Shinies if you serve him well? Does he even care about Shinies?
    Ajantis: I don't- ... I'm not sure what Helm's standpoint on 'Shinies' is.
    Post edited by SapphireIce101 on
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited February 2015
    Updated the FAQ, because apparently the writer wants to make Adamanta flirt with Neera, only for her to be shot down of course. :P

    Also, finished the Ajantis banters, and got all of Xzar's done too. Oh, and here's a sample of a banter with Xzar.


    Adamanta: Your whatsy?
    Xzar: My spellbook you inane rodent! My book! With SPELLS!!!
    Adamanta: Was it the thing with pages?
    Xzar: YES!!!
    Adamanta: Oh, I drew unicorns in it and threw it on the fire!
    Adamanta: Just kidding, I gave it to CHARNAME.
    Post edited by SapphireIce101 on
  • AlbinoWyvernAlbinoWyvern Member Posts: 32
    What an amusing character! I hope I'll get to see the mod finished one day. ^^
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    @AlbinoWyvern - I'll talk to my writer, and see if we can knock out some more banters. Though, right now, Pillars of Eternity is probably going to eat up most of my free time. XD
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    edited May 2015
    Found a temporary portrait for Adamanta to use. I found it on

    Edit: Added Link to find said portrait.
    Post edited by SapphireIce101 on
  • SapphireIce101SapphireIce101 Member Posts: 866
    Progress has been made!

    Two Banters with Dorn, and a Banter with Shar-Teel!


    Adamanta: Dorny-Poo!
    Dorn: Hrmm?
    Adamanta: Why don't you trust us?
    Dorn: Because everyone is a backstabbing traitor.
    Adamanta: But I'm not a traitor! See my biiiiiiig smile and my biiiiiiiiiiig arms ready to give you a biiiiiiiiiiiig hu- Hey! Charname said no Stabbing Me with Rancor!


    Shar-Teel: Curse you woman! Must you constantly let these Males -save- you?! Stand up for yourself!
    Adamanta: What do you mean, Sharee?
    Shar-Teel: I mean that you make us all look WEAK when you let these Men fight for you!
    Adamanta: But I am fighting! I throw rocks, and I heal you!
    Shar-Teel: You're a disgrace to our gender! You make us look like the weaker sex!-
    Adamanta: You aren't even listening to me, are you?
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