Advice on using Xan (and enchanters in general)

I've always liked Xan's personality and the look of his moonblade, but I typically don't keep him in a party for very long, mainly because I could never get over the fact that he misses out on so many great offensive spells (i.e: magic missile, fireball, cloudkill, etc.).
A short while back, I happened to mention in another thread that I considered Xan to be the worst mage in BG1. However, several posters responded by urging me to give him an earnest try, suggesting that, although he may require a bit more strategy or investment than other mages, the payoff would be worth it in the end.
In my current playthrough, I've just picked up Xan, and I've decided to give him the earnest try that others have been urging. So I'm looking for tips on how to use him, what spells to make the most of, when and how to use them, etc.
Thanks in advance.
A short while back, I happened to mention in another thread that I considered Xan to be the worst mage in BG1. However, several posters responded by urging me to give him an earnest try, suggesting that, although he may require a bit more strategy or investment than other mages, the payoff would be worth it in the end.
In my current playthrough, I've just picked up Xan, and I've decided to give him the earnest try that others have been urging. So I'm looking for tips on how to use him, what spells to make the most of, when and how to use them, etc.
Thanks in advance.
I try to keep fire, lightning and cold wands in his inventory as often as possible.
#2 memorize bookoo early sleep spells. Also I would regularly keep a strength spell memorized on him so that he could occasionally head into melee. I used him as a control/debuff bot trying to avoid almost all damage spells on him. Let him sew chaos and confusion, since when it comes to damage he has to use wands to keep up
Disclaimer: the run I used him, I did dual-class imoen, so I still had a more damage based mage late game too. He was great for setting up malisons and stuff for her
I think the value of Xan is to encourage players to broaden their use of magic, and make them play smarter. He's less direct than Dynaheir, but not any worse really. Magic missile is a bad spell at low levels, yet people use it. Xan helps teach you that putting 10 bandits to sleep is better than maybe killing one via Magic Missile.
Feel free to use wands too, Frost works wonders imo.
Charm Person*
Color Spray
Ray of Enfleeblement
Dire Charm*
Hold Person
Emotion: Hopelessness
Polymorph Other
Teleport Field
* If fighter, charm to tie up comrade using fists. Use spells vs. comrades if it's a spellcaster.
I also let him drink potions of absorption then set him loose with wands of lightning bolts indoors, especially in narrow hallways like you find in Ulcaster or Firewine.
Replace "SHOTS" with "SLOW" and that's basically how I play Enchanters. Slow is my favorite spell
1st level spells:
They get Sleep, enough said. Blindness is a solid spell when it comes to nastier baddies.
2nd level spells:
Likely the most boring level for them. Glitterdust is neat though, as is Horror. If you really need them to do damage, you can always use Acid Arrow, which of course makes casters real sad.
3rd level spells:
Slow. Slow Slow Slow Slow Slow! Also Hold Person if your Clerics aren't doing that already. If you really need them to do damage, you can always use Skull Trap and Flame Arrow.
4th level spells:
Confusion, Emotion: Hopelessness, and GREATER MALISON BABY, which should act as a precursor to all your crowd control endeavors!
5th level spells:
I like to stock up on Chaos. Some people are rather fond of Domination, as well.
Rather than changing his class I think I might just just give him an extra prof in short sword and lower his thac0 a bit with EE Keeper. Otherwise the moonblade is completely worthless. And that fact that Xan has the moonblade amounts to his 'special ability' which so many of the NPCs get. (Although Minsc's is basically useless as well.)
Especially cutting the throats of Sleeped enemies. Its better than nothing!
Their main offensive abilities do not lie in damage, but rather debuffs. Sleep and Emotion:Hopelessness are your two best friends. Don't try to kill things with them, instead use them to prevent enemies from doing anything.
Also... Buff spells, familiarize yourself with all the buffs mages can provide, when you're not preventing enemies from fighting, you will be helping the rest of the party fight better with things like protection spells and haste.
I had 99 problems... then I summoned gnolls.
I think it would be kind of fun to have an Enchanter actually focus on using damage dealing spells other than Evocation: Burning Hands, Melf's Acid Arrow, Flame Arrow, Lightning Bolt, Skull Trap, and Vampiric Touch are all pretty good spells.
I mean, yes, regularly have him cast his specialization school spells, i.e., Sleep, Charm Person, Ray of Enfeeblement, Dire Charm, Hold Person, Confusion, Emotion: Hopelessness, Greater Malison, Chaos, Domination, Feeblemind, and Hold Monster--and by the way, those are great disabling spells. But maybe do that half the time. And the other half of the time use the above damage dealing spells.