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Request for new effects

EchonEchon Member Posts: 6
Specialist wizards deserve some attention in my opinion. The first three effects here would make them more interesting to play.

1: Saving Throw Modifier vs. Spell School
The affected creature receives a modifier to the specified saving throw vs. the given spell school (e.g. +2 to save vs. spell against invocation spells).

2: Spell School Saving Throw Modifier
Creatures receive a modifier to their saving throws vs. the spells of a given school cast by the affected creature (e.g. creatures get -1 to their saves vs. the affected invoker's invocation spells).

3: Modifier to Chance to learn Spells
The affected magic user receives a modifier to their chance to learn spells roll. Include option to affect all spells or only one spell school.

4: Saving Throw Modifier vs. Alignment
The affected creature receives a modifier to its saving throws vs. spells and effects from creatures of the given alignment.
Post edited by Echon on


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    There's already a topic where people suggest changes to Specialist mages to make them, well, special. Perhaps your suggestions could be added there:
  • CadrosCadros Member Posts: 253
    While these are certainly suggestions to consider, I do not think they would alter the feel of playing a specialist mage to any great extent, or make them more interesting to play. To me more interesting means more options, and these would be almost entirely hidden from the player and I expect most would not notice them apart from perhaps the duration.
  • EchonEchon Member Posts: 6
    Tanthalas: My request is based on the AD&D rules and these effects would add features to the specialists which are currently missing. The thread you are referring to is based on the poster's own ideas.

    Cadros: These features would add an incentive to play the specialist as a character who is very good at using a particular set of spells, and less good at others. Currently specialists are mostly a means for getting more magic missiles and similar spells.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    the thing is though, those specialist classes are already pretty good, im my opinion a specialist mage is already astronomically better, but to even that out a bit, maybe what could happen is, they get all that good jazz as you mentioned @Echon but for every other spell school they would get respective penalties? because just giving those specialist wizards all that fun stuff makes them even better than what they are already, know what i mean?
  • EchonEchon Member Posts: 6
    I guess it looks like I only want to give them benefits but they also receive penalties. While specialists get +15% to scribe spells from their chosen school, they get -15% to scribe all other spells. Yet another incentive to play these specialists as masters of one school of magic.
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