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Importing game from BG:EE?


Question: Does the game in BGII:EE still start with Jaheira and Minsc in Irenicus dungeon, even if you didn't have them in your team from your imported BG:EE? I remember that Baldur's Gate II assumed that your team in Baldur's Gate was composed of (PC), Jaheira, Khalid, Imoen, Minsc and Dynaheir. Would be contradictory if you play e.g. an evil group in BG:EE and start up with a good one in BGII...



  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    Yes it still does, even if you have an evil party at the end of BG:EE, the plot says that after killing Sarevok you were travelling with the "canon" party, and you were with them when you were caught by Irenicus.
    That's why you start BGII:EE with Imoen, Jaheira and Minsc.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    Okej! Thanks for the answer. What's a canon party anyways? :P It seems I've to go with the same group as usual since I like "RPG" through the games :-)
  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    Canon party is Yourself, Minsc, Khalid, Jaheria, Imoen, Dynaheir. :)
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    But if e.g. the Sun Soul Monk, Rasaad dies during the BG 1, will he still be available in BG 2 if you import your game? I mean... It would be contradictory wouldn't it if he'd still be alive in the second game, but dies in the first. :P
  • NokkenbuerNokkenbuer Member Posts: 146
    Unfortunately, there are some limitations to what the developers can do, including drastically altering the mechanics and functioning of the games, @MWO. I suspect one such restriction would be the inability to alter the second game to increase its continuity with the first. I assume this would be near-impossible, though, seeing how many varied and unique party configurations you can employ in the first game. As a result, ensuring continuity between the first and second games could irreparably break the entire storyline, especially if some of the key figures (such as Imoen) died during your playthrough of the first game.

    Very few games, if any, can successfully implement any sort of consistent continuity between games in a series, and especially not at the scope it would require for the Baldur's Gate, um, duology? If you really want some form of artificial continuity, I suppose you could ignore, avoid, or kill the NPCs you remember died in the first game, and leave Minsc and Jaheira to rot in Irenicus' chambers. Since both games are, functionally, treated as separate and independent games, you can play a good-aligned party despite having been evil in the first game. You can even rationalize this decision by saying your protagonist had a change of heart or the trauma of Irenicus' cruelty opened your eyes to the wrongness of evildoing. Ultimately, however, it's you're decision and if you wish to continue playing as an evil protagonist (to the Nine Hells with you, by the way), you can easily accomplish this by simply reforming your party and making decisions which fit your evil alignment.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Most (if not all) NPCs in BGII:EE feature some dialogue options to account for your not-knowing / having-killed / being-friends-with them.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    Aha, thanks guys! :-D
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