Member Posts: 3,806
Could we please have it back to vanilla bg1 version? Where, if memory serves, it did it's thing once, and didn't effect party members.
Is this an engine thing? Cause right now it's just, if I may, a sh*tty-@$$ version of web for an already underpowered class. I don't think it would be OP, really. Druids are already weak, and have a very limited spell selection, and the way it is right now I just don't use entangle at all, and I think it would be nice to see some new strategies opened up early bg1.
Is this an engine thing? Cause right now it's just, if I may, a sh*tty-@$$ version of web for an already underpowered class. I don't think it would be OP, really. Druids are already weak, and have a very limited spell selection, and the way it is right now I just don't use entangle at all, and I think it would be nice to see some new strategies opened up early bg1.
2ndly..the spell discription specifically states that the roots from the ground grasping at the feet of the target, and will hold it fast in place if grabbed.
Where as web actually tangles the target up as it struggles.
The only difference in BG's version from the PnP version is that BG adds a +3 save bonus, while the PnP version simply requires a save.
Though technically speaking both versions are supposed to force the targets to move through the area at half-speed, even if they don't become entangled/webbed, unless they are a very large creature such as a Giant or bigger who are completely immune to both spells (ogre sized creatures are immune to the entangling/hold effect but are still affected by the movement speed reduction).
The only version of Entangle I'll ever sign off on is the one from the Players Handbook.
And all they need to do to make it closer to the PnP version's level of power is removing the save bonus. (since web doesn't slow targets moving through it, there's no point in adding that effect unless they want to add it to both).
Druids are not, nor have they ever been primary casters. Druids are jacks of all trades like Bards, just with divine spells and focusing on the wilderness instead of dealing in civilized areas. Druids are lacking because BG did not properly implement the versatility that they bring, and that versatility needs to be added. Not breaking things further.
Their spells are weaker in general, even among divine casters because they work with nature instead of forcing their desires on it like Clerics or Wizards do.
And then completely overhaul shapeshifting so that it's actually useful. I'm even willing to compromise a little on shapeshifting (by letting the forms scale a little and hitting as magic, up to +3 around 14 or so) since a lot of the versatility will be impossible to do in BG. Just expand the forms and give each of them a purpose. (I already covered some ideas for making the forms more useful in the spirit of their PnP versatility in my Druid Overhaul request).
I'm looking to incorporate it into a tweak pack I'm working on (and I've gotten permission to do so).
But all the same I support your request.
@Zanathkariashi I made both Entangle and Web reduce movement rate within their AoE with no save as per PnP, and removed Entangle's save bonus (though a +2 bonus could be fine imo).
Regarding Druid's lacking versatility, Spell Revisions alone make them waay better imo, but I'm working on something very similar to what you are describing above within Kit Revisions (e.g. the already released revised Ranger shares Druid immunity to entangle within KR, though the latter will get such immunity earlier). Improving the Shapeshifting abilities will be crucial imo.
Basically I took her fix and I think I was able to make it so that it only checks initially to see if you entangle the enemy. If the enemy gets entangled by the spell they are stuck that way for 60 seconds (and enemies that save initially avoid the spell). This is how it worked in the original BG1.