How do you install De'Arnise Romance for BGII EE?
I recently downloaded the De'Arnise Romance (the JCompton one) after hearing a lot of good things about it and I'm wondering how to install it in Baldur's Gate 2 Enhanced Edition. It's on the list for compatible mods and it has no problems installing for the original, 14 year old BG2 yet whenever I try to install it for BG2 EE the setup has a message saying ''Please run this program in your Infinity Engine game directory'' and ''FATAL ERROR: Failure(''Not a game directory)'' so I'm a bit confused.
Help would be appreciated.
Help would be appreciated.
Post edited by Mhamza on
Also, where did you get BGII:EE? Via the standalone client, the Beamdog client, or Steam?
Edit: Never mind, managed to fix it, just had to specify it further.