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Character Tag-along

dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
I know that increasing the party limit is an engine hard-coded deal breaker, and I wouldn't want the party expanded except in certain limited temporary conditions, anyway.

However, it can be extremely frustrating to go on a mission like the Minsc quest to rescue Dynaheir. You have a well-functioning team that you are just getting skilled with, and you are forced to either run the quest short-handed, or to give up a party member in the middle of the adventure just to complete the quest / get back to civilization...where you can make a RATIONAL decision about changing party composition for future needs. (The same parameters apply to encountering Yeslick, and to a lesser extent Coran and others.)

How about this? Give us a "Tag Along" mechanic, where the encountered person is attached to the party in a non-functioning capacity until the party returns to a town or other base.

Somewhat similar to bringing in Captain Brage, or I suppose to hauling Sam back to the FAI. Heck, if it facilitated the mechanics, we could even use up an inventory slot for the supernumary (presumably at 0 wt if they were conscious).


  • CaloNordCaloNord Member Posts: 1,811
    Huh. . . interesting. I've got SCS installed so I can split up those NPC's that come in twos without having to lock one of them in a room and then kick them out.

    If we could work out a non cheesy mechanic it would be a really handy feature for the vanilla game.
  • dreamriderdreamrider Member Posts: 417
    Allowing them to become petrified works. You can usually even make it fit the developing story.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    Yes, that would be great.
    Or when you meet a NPC that you *have* to take in your party the moment you meet them or otherwise never would be able to get again (Xan, Branwen, Shar-Teel, etc.) would just go to the Friendly Arm or something equally. Basically: "My group is full at the moment but I really would like to work with you at a later point, could you wait for me at X?" or something. Basically just how it works in BG2.
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