Question & Possible Feature Request - Styles

Possible dumb question, but no evidence found yet: Do the benefits of single weapon and dual weapon styles stack?
Not nearly as dumb question, and possible feature request: should they??
Not nearly as dumb question, and possible feature request: should they??
If you put *anything* that isn't a weapon on the Shield slot, it will count as a shield, and by thus use your S&S style Proficiencies. If you put a weapon, you'll use the TW style, if you have a two-handed weapon in your mainhand, you'll use the THW style, and if you have only a one-handed weapon in your mainhand you'll use SW style.
The benefits of TW and the benefits of SW do not overlap or conflict. I'm suggesting that if a warrior is prepared to commit some precious extra prof points to a 2nd style that logically could compliment his/her, initial style, should it be added to the game? Would it be a game breaker, given the extra point investment required?
For that matter, logically SW and S&S could potentially stack as well, if it were allowed, without any conflict of the benefits.
The benefits of Single Weapon Style come from applying absolute focus to the movement of *one* weapon... If you're toting a shield or off-hand blade, then you aren't as focused on what the main hand is up to.
Edit: Imagine trying to play tennis with your right hand and simultaneously play badminton with your left.
Heck, charge double points for the overlay style. That wouldn't be inappropriate, to my mind.
The more I think about it, the more I think that allowing this, for double points applied on the complementary style, would be pretty cool.
As for making it a part of BG (even as a mod), it would require a fair bit of code work to make it happen, and the balance considerations are such that it likely won't ever happen.
EDIT: What you could do as a mod is create a dagger that grants an AC bonus, and flavor it as a "main gauche". Combine it with a short sword "rapier", and you can pretty effectively get the same benefit for your character.