Unused Resources?

Looking for some technical assistance:
I'm currently trying to put together a Hexxat Expansion mini-mod for BG2:EE (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/33369/help-wanted-hexxat-expansion-spoilers). I know the game currently contains some dummied-out items and dialogue; does anyone know if there are unused voice clips of Sereana Malani (Hexxat's VO)? Pretty much anything would be useful...
I'm currently trying to put together a Hexxat Expansion mini-mod for BG2:EE (http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/33369/help-wanted-hexxat-expansion-spoilers). I know the game currently contains some dummied-out items and dialogue; does anyone know if there are unused voice clips of Sereana Malani (Hexxat's VO)? Pretty much anything would be useful...
You can use a similar approach for finding unused dialog lines. Open the respective dialog and select the dialog lines in the Edit tab. Click on the button Find->"References to this state" to find out whether the line is referenced somewhere.
There may be a way to automate the process with WeiDU, but I can't help you there.