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Unused Resources?

Looking for some technical assistance:

I'm currently trying to put together a Hexxat Expansion mini-mod for BG2:EE ( I know the game currently contains some dummied-out items and dialogue; does anyone know if there are unused voice clips of Sereana Malani (Hexxat's VO)? Pretty much anything would be useful...


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,520
    edited July 2014
    Hexxat's voice clips are stored in many of the huge number of OHxxxxx.WAV files. If you've got a lot of spare time, you can use NearInfinity and check each sound clip with her voice (it should start around OH81268.WAV) whether it's used somewhere in the game. Select the respective sound clip and click on "Find Reference". Select the appropriate resource types to search (e.g. DLG and CRE) and click on "Search". Rinse and repeat for every sound file.

    You can use a similar approach for finding unused dialog lines. Open the respective dialog and select the dialog lines in the Edit tab. Click on the button Find->"References to this state" to find out whether the line is referenced somewhere.

    There may be a way to automate the process with WeiDU, but I can't help you there.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Thanks, I'll try that. I doubt I'll find much, but even a few voiced lines here and there would make the mod more "authentic", IMO...
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    NearInfinity doesn't seem to work for the EEs - clicking on a WAV file gives me an "Error Reading OH81268.WAV - Unsupported WAV-file: OggS" error. I had the same problem trying to look at dialog.tlk...
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Thanks! :)
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