I voted 3, for 3.5 edition. Of course, D&D Next may be out by then. I guess it would depend on when they actually start making BG 3 which will determin what version they're going to use. I must say though, I'm not a fan of D&D 4th edition. So fingers crossed for 3.5 or Next.
I think 3.5 + Tome of Battle would be a good way to keep magic using interesting and also add more interesting abilities for fighting types. It would be a bit like doing 4th edition without changing wizards as much or oversimplifying rogue skills.
Anyone out there run a game store? I would guess that most tables these days play Pathfinder (Pazio 3.5). Maybe half that many play 3.5 and 4th, and 2nd lags way behind. I do freely admit that my data is anecdotal, statistically insignificant, and pulled straight from my nethers. Remastering the NWN games would yield a platform to make 3.5 BG3; Didn't Trent say they wont use infinity engine for BG3?
What I've read about DNDNext leaves me flat, cuz it's keeping the accessible (dumbed down) and streamlined combat of 4th. Those alleged advantages don't matter if the computer attends all the number crunching and rules lawyering. Easier DMing and faster gameplay that Wizards is creating means nothing to BG3.
Didn't DDO use 3.5 rules after 4th edition intro-ed? Just saying that perhaps Hasbro will let older editions get used.
What I've read about DNDNext leaves me flat, cuz it's keeping the accessible (dumbed down) and streamlined combat of 4th. Those alleged advantages don't matter if the computer attends all the number crunching and rules lawyering. Easier DMing and faster gameplay that Wizards is creating means nothing to BG3.
Didn't DDO use 3.5 rules after 4th edition intro-ed? Just saying that perhaps Hasbro will let older editions get used.